User:Jack Phoenix
Jack Phoenix |
I am Jack Phoenix, one of the many MediaWiki developers and an open source enthusiast. Open source has always been my passion, especially when it comes to MediaWiki. As such, I contributed significantly to the open-sourcing of Wikia, ArmchairGM, and wikiHow. ArmchairGM has been long dead but its legacy lives on as the aforementioned social tools family of MediaWiki extensions, and neither Wikia nor wikiHow make their source code fully publicly available anymore as of 2021; (Wikia's "Unified Community Platform" (UCP) software, based on MediaWiki 1.33, is not open source, and wikiHow closed down their self-serve open source portal in late November 2020.) Nowadays I mostly edit ShoutWiki wikis and help out on ShoutWiki, given that I'm a member of ShoutWiki's staff team. If you're looking to create a new wiki for free, why not to give ShoutWiki a try? Please leave me a message on my talk page if you need any help. Contact me
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- MediaWiki developer
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