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- 16-Mar-2006: is WikiIndex's 60 day mark. Yea!!
- 16-May-2006: is WikiIndex's 2nd 60 day mark. Yea!!
- Open meeting called a happening to celebrate and work together as we go forward.
- Mondays - 10:15pm EST, 9:15pm CST, 7:15pm PST
- This is Tuesday 02:15 UTC
- Tuesday 9:15am (GMT+7) Bangkok - thank you! ;)
- This wiki
- Irc freenode - irc:// #wikiindex
- Skype - tedernst, markdilley, rathbone (Raymond King), chinarut
- SyncroEdit - in our dreams (i humbly suggest we use writely short term - I can invite everyone to the same page tomorrow)
- Raymond King Yes, I've been wanting to do this too!
- MarkDilley
- TedErnst | talk
- John Stanton
- Ruangchotvit Chinarut - very excited to show up for my first meeting!
- .. anyone who is interested in attending
Agenda setting
- Usage stats, it would be nice to have a regular public update on site stats. WikiIndex:SiteStats
- Vibrant, Active, Building, NeedsLove, GoalAchieved - Wiki Status - how structured is structured data.
- RealNames discussion - new insight from Mark, (probably old to everyone else.)
- tags and categories clarification WikiProject:Categories and Tags - ( NamingConventions )
- WikiNode, TourBusStop, OptOut, ... Wiki101 ideas.
- Category:Proposals
- Share alike - license CC-SA is what we have - (right?) ThisWiki:Copyright
- Interwiki
- Special:Log/protect
- TesterPage Bastille Day Version
- Zefrank and the image link going on, hot linking or rather MeatballWiki:Billboard
- Asia Commons:Enrollment brings up a couple points. One, how do we feel about this typ of communication? Should it be place on the Asia Commons page itself? Two, I think we can switch on suppages. So instead of that page being in the namespace Asia Commons: ot would be Asia Commons/Enrollment and it would be a subpage of it. Thoughts?
- i agree - in retrospect, i believe it belongs on the Asia Commons wiki long term. it's like there is a universe of the "conversation wiki" that stores all the discussions of the world. this would help keep your wiki clean provided there is a clean integration between this entity and the matrix of wiki. Chinarut 04:17, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
- a question to the community: does the conversation that exists in the wikiindex represent the meta of all conversations?!? Chinarut 04:17, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
- I read Ross Mayfield's entry and made a significant edit to the AC wiki pledge for collaboration. I request we discuss the merits of creating pledges amongst communities more than the technical side of it. 09:23, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
- Microformat Plugin For Textpattern
- project management - I started an style wiki - being a & wiki newbie and would like to get some input - esp what it would take to manage our projects using a wiki - pretty much how I got here via Ted. Chinarut 04:38, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
- Whether the "patrol" privilege should be restored for users without sysop privileges.
- P2P Foundation -- new addition - open comments invited
In process
- Putting the add wiki several places
- how we communicate
- John look names at leisure. (??)
- Weblog in MediaWiki - not a weblog in a wiki, rather a weblog that posts to different wiki pages.
- Ray asked what Soring and Cristi what these categories were for: Category:SorinWork & Category:CristiWork
while we're working and thinking on them
- .js functionality
- admins only possibility?
- how does wikipedia protect itself?
- backup procedure
- linking images using this fancy way tabled as a massive undertaking - fancier) need to make a project for an ambitious person(s).
Tasks done
- no follow is off
- add procedure and project unknowns, do we keep first additional or not?
- Category:StructuredDataProblem - fixed, needs tags removed
- RecentChangeCamp article addition of mention of WikiIndex
- WikiNode
- we prefer and encourage RealNames
- if there is a sudonym we don't make a main page, they are user:psudonym
- Categorization - related tag or rel tag -- related
- Front page clean up, one suggestion WikiIndex:VersionTwo
- CamelCase thoughts on WikiIndex instead of Wiki Index
- MarkDilley did this, no one mentioned that they didn't like it...
- like to be clear on the intent: so when a page for CommunicationPage is created, the link will become live without having to edit wiki pages all over the place?