Template:XTools AdminStats

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Revision as of 16:36, 11 June 2023 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (in the last ≈30 days)
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This statistic template is used to create a pre-formatted external link to the relevant independently created XTools webpage containing statistics about activity of Administrators of an individual wiki site, of all wiki sites in all languages from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), as found at https://XTools.WMCloud.org/adminstats.

Usage of this specific template on any article page will automatically include said article page into category: Monitored by XTools.



{{XTools AdminStats|'1'|'2'}}


  1. = full domain of specific wiki site of the the Wikimedia Foundation, e.g. en.wiktionary.org
  2. = full anglicised name of wiki site, e.g. English Wiktionary


{{XTools AdminStats|en.wiktionary.org|English Wiktionary}}

External links