Travel Pelopor

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Revision as of 22:57, 7 December 2006 by Pelopor (talk | contribs)
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Travel Pelopor

Travel Pelopor is a little wiki for travel tips, hints, locations, things to do and food! So people not only know that food is around 15 ringgit Malyasia, but also if it tastes great.

This Travel Pelopor page needs to have some
or all structured data added, from an appropriate infobox.

Please see category: Wikis to add
to help with similar articles!

{Wiki | wiki_logo = Travelpelopor.png | wiki_URL = | wiki_recentchanges_URL = No | wiki_wikinode_URL = No | wiki_status = YourWikiStatus | wiki_language = English | wiki_editmode = Open | wiki_engine = DokuWiki | wiki_maintopic = Travel }}