should the langauge here be multilingual or english? --Ray 11:43, 22 Jan 2006 (EST)
It is a shame that WikiIndex has such limited community visibility! Would one of the founders please put articles about WikiIndex in at least Wikinfo and WikiKnowledge, where I believe they would be welcome? I would do it, but I can't figure out the cross-licensing hassles... Or, please release a description of WikiIndex into the Public Domain, that anyone can freely post anywhere? (Do quite like the WikiIndex History article, by the way.) Took me over a day of searching to stumble on the existence of WI -- Let's try to make it easier for others to find. (I understand, there is really nothing we can do about the low visibility in the wiki-which-must-not-be-named, where it would be most appropriate and useful.)-- 18:07, 4 February 2007 (PST)