WikiIndex:Add a Wiki

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Anyone can add a page to WikiIndex, to describe a wiki website (...You are adding a description of a wiki right? Make sure you understand what this is about)

Follow these simple steps:

Step 1 - Check if it's already on here

Use the search feature in the bottom left to check if the wiki is already in here. We already have quite a big index. Try some alternate names of your wiki (e.g. with or without the work wiki on the end). If you find it, there's no need to add it again, just edit the existing definition!

Step 2 - Copy the Template

  • Copy the following template to your clipboard (select and Ctrl+C)

{{Wiki_List |
wiki_name  =                YourWikiName  |
wiki_logo =                 [[Image:NoLogo.png]] |
wiki_URL =                  YourWikiHttp  |
wiki_recentchanges =        No |
wiki_status =               Status         |
wiki_lastreviewed  =        08-Feb-06      |
wiki_language =             Language        |
wiki_editmode =             EditMode       |
wiki_engine =               YourWikiEngine |
wiki_maintopic =            YourWikiTopic
<<add description of wiki here>>

'''Additional Categories'''
* {{tag|FirstAdditional}}
* {{tag|SecondAdditional}}

Step 3 - Create the Wiki page

  • Find the correct name of the wiki. Typically this will be a one word name without spaces, and without the train '.com' or '.org', but with upper and lower case characters. (See Naming Conventions)
  • Type the name of your wiki in the search box and click the "Add" button below the search box
  • If your wiki page was not found create it by clicking on the link "...create an article with this title."
  • Paste the template from step 1 into the edit box (Ctrl+V)
  • Enter the appropriate info for your wiki. All the appropriate categories are listed on the Wiki Index page of this wiki
  • SAVE the page

If you want to put a logo on the wiki description page...

  • You must create a user login before you can upload an image
  • Click on the "Upload file" link in the lower left hand toolbox
  • Locate your logo file using the browse button
  • Upload the file
  • Copy the page name of the image page
  • Replace "Image:No_Logo.png" in the code above with your image page name
  • SAVE the page

Note: if you upload an image that starts with a lower case character, this first character is automatically converted to upper case. The server is case sensitive. So prepare to link to "Logoxyz.gif" when you've actually uploaded "logoxyz.gif".

Optional - tagging / categorizing

How do tags work