JurisPedia (en)

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Jurispedia is a Multilingual (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish) WikiWiki academic Law encyclopedia. It was started in October of 2004. JurisPedia uses the MediaWiki software but it is not a Wikimedia foundation project and unlike Wikipedia it uses a Creative Commons license (by-nc-sa).

JurisPedia is an encyclopaedic project of academic initiative devoted to worldwide law, legal and political sciences. Jurispedia has developed on the initiative of the Équipe de Recherche Informatique et Droit (Faculty of Law of the University of Montpellier I), the Faculty of law of the Can Tho University, the Faculty of law of the Groningen University, the team of JURIS (Université du Québec À Montreal), and the Institute for Law and Informatics (Saarland University). The project is open for cooperation with other partners. Any other teams of researchers or Faculties of Law in the whole world can freely join us. Participation in JurisPedia requires only human implication on the shared law. The project is open for cooperation with others worldwide law teams.

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