Page history
29 October 2006
→Why not one of the extensions?
→Why not one of the extensions?
→Why not one of the extensions?
→Why not one of the extensions?
→Why not one of the extensions?: Changing link (I moved the question because it was placed in my talk directory)
→Why not one of the extensions?
→Why not one of the extensions?: link Gaiapedia
→Why not one of the extensions?
28 October 2006
→Why not one of the extensions?: Stuped logouts
new section for extensions
no edit summary
27 October 2006
26 October 2006
20 October 2006
19 October 2006
→wiki_size: minor corretions
→wiki_size: further comment
→wiki_size: still not understanding
18 October 2006
17 October 2006
16 October 2006
→Author and about pages?
→Author and about pages?
→Author and about pages?: Agree
Author and about pages?
3 October 2006
2 October 2006
→if template: thanks
no edit summary
→if template: important to show "No WikiNode"
blank lines since '''if''' template
28 August 2006
27 August 2006
26 August 2006
22 August 2006
4 March 2006
→hard code image to wiki_url?: John's the man!
hard code image to wiki_url?
→page name redundancy and proposed solution: DONE