
Thanks everybody for all the efforts on WikiIndex!!!

  • Would like to concentrate getting as many new wikis into the system and to completing the second pass through the list to add Logos and correct data entry errors. We have a very limited time between now and RecentChangesCamp and we want to look as good as possible when we show it to folks. Any help with this process is greatly appreciated!

--John Stanton 16:37, 21 Jan 2006 (EST)

active collaborations

immediate tasks:

  • WorkInProgress. We're going through every wiki to add logos, descriptions and correct category tag errors. Please claim a letter.
  • Wikis To Add
  • WikiIndexFaq - Decisions have been made to try and get us the basics till launch that are not yet writen down. If you have a question, please use it and help documentation this process.
  • StartUp Issues
  • Add a Wiki

ongoing tasks: category maintainence FirstAdditional SecondAdditional YourWikiEngine YourWikiTopic

about us

Wiki People


featured content




- TourBusSystem - WikiNode - LocalNames -



Please keep this list alphabetized. Try to make sure the columns stay even (unless there is an odd number of listings). Also, the link to the current collaboration should be a template that you can update without directly editing the Community Portal.