WikiIndex:Invitations to get involved: Difference between revisions

definition and first content
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This page shall become a list(!) of one(!)-liners which are linking to TalkPages where someone wishes the paticipation of other [[WikiIndex:Wiki Person]]s. As far as possible the date when work/problem/issue/idea was started or discovered (TopicDate) and certainly the date of invitation, of inclusion in this list, should be given. Possibly it makes sense to ad a 3rd date after the issue is done somehow and the line left there for a period of a week or month. But than the line should be removed, because it is no longer an invitation. As long as it is ongoing work, a StatusWord can be inserted that gives a hint on how far things have developed.
No discussions should be on this page! Only inviting links.
== Invitations ( WikiLink / TopicDate / InvitationDate (SolvedDate or StatusWord) ) ==
* [[WikiIndex talk:Teamwork Info]] August 2014 / 7-10-2014 / SomeParticipation

