Page history
22 April 2013
→General housekeeping: comment
→General housekeeping: rearranging wants
→General housekeeping: add a response and merge comment with con
→General housekeeping: strike two things
→Images: ''It was a keys favicon for the first few years. Maybe I am being sentimental. ~~ ~~~ ''
→LinkSpam / WikiSpam / Vandalism: move extension under another extension as it is needed
→Images: put my name next to it - which seems to be what folks want.
→Images: response
→Account creation protection: add comments and flip need / want
→Images: just changed it to my name, no need for unsigned comment template in this instance
→General housekeeping: Change the default timestamp to UTC
→Bugs: Sorry for not copying all
→Bugs: reply
→Bugs: format
→Bugs: reply
→Images: sig
→Bugs: Why are Sysops blocked by our anti-spam tools, but new accounts able to over-ride them at will?
→General housekeeping: comments
→Account creation protection: mw:Extension:ConfirmAccount to need, answer
→Images: We need a mini-banner like that WikiApiary which states something like "Indexed on WikiIndex" - to be used as a kind of voluntary banner exchange on other sites which we've indexed
→LinkSpam / WikiSpam / Vandalism: surely mw:Extension:NoBogusUserpages has to be a need rather than a want - seems like a no-brainer to me
→Bugs: put one in '''need''' - rearrange items
→General housekeeping: put a couple in '''need''' section - re-arrange stuff
→LinkSpam / WikiSpam / Vandalism: making a SuggestedEdit
→LinkSpam / WikiSpam / Vandalism: strike
→Images: add image
→MediaWiki version: John never upgraded to the latest version, he always did the second most stable version, one back.
→Favicon: add WikiApiary
21 April 2013
→General housekeeping
mtrying to set up an easy way to sort wants from needs.
→MediaWiki version: update, interwiki links
look at diff, bunch of stuff done here
→Bugs: make bug sent in by email look better
→Bugs: add My spam blacklist
→Vandalism: add pros and move one down to bug area
→MediaWiki version
→General housekeeping: a bunch of changes, see diff
→On the back-burner: remove strike out extension suggestion
→Possible Favicon: add pro and con
→General housekeeping: remove strike out extension suggestion and respond to New Message placement on talk page
→Username creation protection: remove striked out extension suggestions
16 April 2013
14 April 2013
13 April 2013
→General housekeeping
→LinkSpam / WikiSpam
→General housekeeping
→InstantCommons: empty section
→General housekeeping