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This wiki does not exist any longer. It has been merged with the Elder Scrolls wiki.
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Wikiscrolls was a free-content, web-based Elder Scrolls encyclopedia in progress that was written collaboratively by people all around the world. It was merged with Elder Scrolls in March 2008. Its goal was to research and document everything that the Elder Scrolls series has to offer. With rare exceptions, anyone with a connection to the internet were once able help Wikiscrolls by expanding and copyediting their articles.


The idea of Wikiscrolls was announced on January 1st, 2007 and after a few months of planning and discussion was finally started on March 19th. The site was co-founded by Chris Sorrells and Lisa Ridley as a branch of the popular UESP, with a similar mission to create an encyclopedia of the Elder Scrolls games. After a series of disputes over the level of etiquette expected from members of the community, the level of openness of the core community towards others, and the direction of the project itself, the founders of Wikiscrolls decided to start a new, similar project, not knowing whether how members of UESP and the Elder Scrolls community at large would react.

In the March of 2008, the Wikiscrolls community decided to merge with Elder Scrolls.

This article uses material from the Wikiscrolls article "Wikiscrolls:About", and it's list of authors can be found in the page history. The text of this article is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.