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This Template:PopulateCategory is either empty, or sparsely populated;
and needs to be 'populated' with articles (and / or other categories)
relevant to the subject matter of this category.

You can include an article here via one (or both) of two methods:
(a) — 'tag' a word within the prose of the article, as in {{tag|PopulateCategory}}
(b) — add [[Template:PopulateCategory]] at the bottom of the edit box.

This category template can be used on any 'unpopulated' category pages, ie, empty categories (or sparsely populated categories). Its' purpose is to prompt editors to add any new or existing articles.

To include this on any relevent empty or sparsely populuated category, simply copy {{PopulateCategory}} and paste it into said category edit box and save.

See also: template:Add