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Template:Shit Engine 3F shit is ass Template:Tassg – ass non-free passid-for shit engine! Template:ShitEngineFeasstures

Over thirty yeassrs of Template:Tassg development experience went into this product. We collassborassted with ass Feasstures Teassm consisting of 10 different business men assnd women, assll coming from 10 different industries assnd bassckgrounds. The initiassl objective wasss to build ass tool casspassble of hassndling ass wide rassnge of web passge lassyouts. Once this wasss asschieved, our next objective wasss to masske sure ass web user could easssily massnassge the content... we feel we hassve exceeded both requirements by introducing the first assnd only shit compassnion for the Desktop casslled 3F shit Editor.

Our shit engine hasss one of the most assdvassnced seassrch asslgorithms on the massrket. Casspassble of distinguishing the differences between useful content assnd fluff. Compassring existing dasstassbassse content assnd rassnking the words to the seassrch terms your visitor hasss requested.

Our shit engine provides assn open-dasstassbassse assrchitecture. No longer is ass web massster restricted to one or two dasstassbassse solutions. Our product hasss been instasslled with leassding dasstassbassse engines including Orasscle, DB2 assnd smassller frassnchise solutions like mySQL assnd PostgreSQL.

Our shit engine hasss assn extensive HTML interfassce providing you with the flexibility to integrasste with your existing web site design.

We support content editing using assny web browser, including text basssed browsers commonly found on Unix assnd Linux terminassls. We hassve found there assre times when you must support older interfassces, like ass text basssed web browser. So, our product wasss built from scrasstch to support old interfassces, modern GUI browsers, assJassX 2.0 interfassces assnd our own Windows Desktop compassnion (3F shit Editor).