Proposal:Visual WikiIndex

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We could provide a Visual WikiIndex simply by categorizing the uploaded wiki logos.

If somebody want to add a wiki he/she can read the alphabetical index and/or look at the logos to prevent duplicates. I was working on categorizing logos for some days, when I discovered that the usage of pages from the namespace Image (6) isn't longer considered good. TedErnst told me that we have a policy for hard linked images for wiki logos. The dark side of this policy is to have downloaded all the images just for fun. A further negative aspect is that the visual WikiIndex is much harder to build. You have to find the downloaded Image (by name in AllImages) corresponding to the wiki logos, and than you have to tag them with the WikiLogo-cat and insert the right a wiki page link by hand.

I read the Wikipedia help for this topic (internal image with links to other than the image page) and found two templates

that I could not bring to work (probably me clumsiness).

What do you think about it? --Wolf Peuker 16:55, 24 October 2006 (EDT)

Most of the logos are still uploaded and the hard links are to our own copies, and it's not so much that we're hard linking them but that we're hotlinking them and the easiest way to do that involves hard linking them. In most cases to find the page for the image just add "Image:" to the beginning of the filename. I tried using templates like those before and couldn't get them to do exactly what I wanted either. This looks like a good idea and if there's anything my pywikipedia bot can do, let me know. — User:Sean Fennel@ 17:56, 24 October 2006 (EDT)
Maybe the templates do not work for this version of MediaWiki? --Peu | talk 18:49, 24 October 2006 (EDT)
Though I doubt it, it is a possibility. — User:Sean Fennel@ 21:15, 24 October 2006 (EDT) EDIT: They did work, but the end result was functionally identical to and was longer to type than just not using them at all. — User:Sean Fennel@ 21:49, 24 October 2006 (EDT)

Just want to tell you a thing, when I'm hotlinking images from other sites, I don't go to a list of pics. I click view source -> Ctrl+F "background-image". Smiddle / T·C·@ 09:40, 25 October 2006 (EDT)

This brings the question up, if we are allowed (with respect to copyright) to download (and upload) or hotlink pictures (logos)? If not, then my proposal is invalid... --Peu | talk 15:20, 25 October 2006 (EDT)
We've discussed the copyright issue a lot, and you'll notice in the footer on each page, we say that logos here are "fair use" with copyright retained by the owner. TedErnst | talk 16:09, 25 October 2006 (EDT)
I like the idea of a Visual WikiIndex! There seem to be some challenges to it, but none that can't be overcome it seems. The hotlinking we do is off of images on our server mostly. So we would still need to have people uploading logos when we don't have them... Best, MarkDilley

Logo tagging is ONWikiProject:Logos