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Why would anybody

take the effort to think first and act than?

Because that person could be considerate.

Wiki is about two things:

  • Cooperation and
  • organizing information.

When it looks like this:


that information (if it is information at all) is not organized, it is simply stacked, piled up. There are 'titles' in the list like:

  • Hello!
  • Thanks :-)
  • eMail
  • Question
  • Reminder
  • Unseen
  • Translation
  • Info
  • Invitation
  • But it is never too late
  • New confirmation

Some of those talk page indexes are a nearly comprehensive list of cognitive shortcomings.

Some amongst them are

  • Pure laziness: One does not actually create any title at all but rather splutters ones uttering in the title line and continues at any random point in the text body.
  • Greetings: Words or phrases that are fit to be greetings are used instead of titles. Therefore any title is missing also here.
  • Ignorance of context: People come from the context of any page in the NameSpace where they seem to have experienced some difficulty which made them upset so that they are unable to recognize that they have changed the context to a completely general topic but specific regarding the person, directly opposite to the NameSpace which is completely unspecific regarding the person, but absolutely specific regarding the topic. They ignore the change in context and therefore do not refer to it and refer only to (the activities of) the person like: "Your translation".
  • Focus on the person: Any mentioning directly or indirectly of the person whos talk page it is, mostly 'you', 'Your' which could fall into the 'Greetings'-mistake if not it was rather not polite like: "Your silly edits". Same for focusing on oneself with 'I', 'me', 'my' and the like. Of course, in few cases this could be a meaningful section title if the matter in question is an absolute personal one like: "I'm pissed of by Your repeated criticism of me!".