WikiIndex:2018 upgrade requests
This WikiIndex:2018 upgrade requests article is a 'stub'. You can help by expanding this stub article, thanks. :-)
WikiIndex:2018 upgrade requests — this page can be used by all editors and visitors to requests upgrades and/or new features here on WikiIndex. Please try to ensure such requests will be compatible with and/or complimentary to our current operating configuration of MediaWiki, namely version 1.24.2, and our Semantic MediaWiki configuration. Should you be unsure of compatibility, please say so with your request, and the WikiIndex community can discuss and hopefully clarify, or seek advice from the wider wikisphere.
Please do not use this page to report any bugs or errors, those can be listed in WikiIndex:2018 bugs.
Please list each specific feature request under its own section heading. Feel free to add your own experiences, comments, etc, but please do not delete any comment should you personally be against any said proposal (though you may add a comment to that effect, and explain any concerns, should it arise).
MediaWiki core version
Our current MediaWiki version 1.24.2 is somewhat outdated. It would seem prudent to upgrade to a much more recent version. Please discuss below.
Extension:Merge (and delete)
The merge and delete extension would be a huge help in eliminating the vast quantity of unused spam accounts which prevailed before we added the ConfirmAccount extension.