WikiIndex talk:Abuse Filter

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Revision as of 17:51, 14 October 2018 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (attribution note, Template:TOCright, create sub-heading title, additional wikilinks)
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Attribution: the first two sub-headings below were originally written on the main WikiIndex:Abuse Filter page, before being copied here; for appropriate attribution, please see its edit history here.


Extension:AbuseFilter on — thanks, I will probably update interwiki map to have this work as well: MediaWiki:AbuseFilter - :-) MarkDilley

Not a good idea, MediaWiki is also a namespace. --YiFei | talk 02:40, 28 June 2013 (UTC)

Helping Wikidom?

Could we import this logic to other wiki, like TVIV - that are suffering attacks MarkDilley

They don't even have the extension installed. Even it's installed, we need administrator permission to do that. --YiFei | talk 02:47, 28 June 2013 (UTC)
Of course, we would have to figure all that out, but would it work for the type of user creation spam they are experiencing. Best, MarkDilley
I've made a filter which disallows the users from creating usernames longer than 20 (recorded in log). But how's the spammers' usernames different from good ones? --YiFei | talk 04:14, 28 June 2013 (UTC)
As for TVIV, they really need the extension to be installed (I'm glad we have). --YiFei | talk 10:38, 28 June 2013 (UTC)