Template:In use

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Revision as of 04:35, 17 June 2021 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (update article)
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This Template:In use article is either new and not yet finished; or is in the middle of a major re-write by the user listed in its edit history.

As a matter of courtesy, can other people please wait a while, and refrain from editing this article. Waiting helps to prevent edit conflicts, and the person who added this housekeeping template banner may actually include the information you were thinking is missing! If you are a WikiIndex registered user, to be alerted of any progress to this article, please add it to your watchlist.

If this article has not been edited for at least 28 days (2 months is preferred), you may remove this {{In use}} template and dive in. Thank you.  :-)

Note: any article which has been tagged with this housekeeping template will automatically be included in category: Articles undergoing expansion.