Category talk:Adult content

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With respect to "adult content", is there an objective way that you can define that? Perhaps "sexual content" or the like would be more appropriate. Most web software and the ESRB ratings guides have specific content descriptors saying what attributes make it adult content. There are also varying degrees of "adult content", e.g. rated R or NC-17 movies.

It really all comes down to personal opinion about what children should or shouldn't be allowed to expose themselves to. Websense notes that adult material can include at least five categories of stuff (adult content, lingerie and swimsuit, nudity, sex, and sex education) and that adult content is further divided into "Sites that display full or partial nudity in a sexual context, but not sexual activity; erotica; sexual paraphernalia; sex-oriented businesses including clubs, nightclubs, escort services; and sites supporting the online purchase of such goods and services."

Once we go down that road, where will it end? We only have a handful of pages in the "adult content" category but Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and many others have at least some adult content, as defined above. I would favor getting rid of this category altogether. Leucosticte (talk) 11:20, 11 March 2014 (UTC)