Template:Personal infobox boilerplate

From WikiIndex
Revision as of 21:44, 12 June 2022 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Additions to synchronise with similar infobox boilerplates)
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This is the boilerplate for template: Personal infobox; the infobox with the yellow background. Use this template for generating an infobox on an article page for a wiki person. Note: ALL field headings / placeholders from this Personal infobox template should be included in the article; even if left blank, thanks. All fields are optional, though obviously preferred.

{{Personal infobox <!--see 'Template:Personal infobox' for full detail-->
|image      = [[File:Mug Shot pic.png|320px|alt=]]<br>image description<!--MANUALLY wikilink, 320px width; OR hotlink 320px to external URL-->
|name       = <!--full OFFICIAL name of person-->
|age        = <!--or Date of Birth (DoB), or just year of birth; leave blank if unknown-->
|gender     = <!--{{tag|Male Wiki People|Male}}, {{tag|Female Wiki People|Female}}; plain text if non-binary; leave blank if unknown-->
|other names= <!--birth name (if different), wiki username(s), other nickname(s); leave blank if none / unknown-->
|nationality= <!--eg {{tag|Wiki People from the United Kingdom|British}}, {{tag|Wiki People from China|Chinese}}, etc; leave blank if unknown-->
|languages  = <!--eg: English, Spanish, Japanese, etc; tag with babels IF WikiIndex editor, eg: {{Language|fi|N}}{{Language|de|5}}-->
|residence  = <!--city, state, country; tag first available, eg: Yukon, {{tag|Canada}} or {{tag|Berlin}}, Germany, etc; leave blank if unknown-->
|home wiki  = <!--wikilink to WikiIndex article(s); leave blank if none / unknown-->
|status     = <!--'Active', 'Semi-active', 'WikiHoliday', 'Retired', 'Deceased', etc; leave blank if unknown-->
|website    = <!--eg: http://PersonalURL.org; leave blank if none / unknown-->
|contacts   = {{Nospam|name|Gmail.com}}<!--e-mail (anti-spam e-mail), Skype, IRC, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc; only if ALREADY in public domain; leave blank if none / unknown-->
<<<--Biography of wiki person goes here.
Try to add any WIKI-specific notable creations, events, conferences, activities, occurrences, features, or attributes.
Please do NOT include any personally sensitive information, defamation, nor any potentially libellous info.
Best policy is to use material that is ONLY and already in the public domain.

;''[[Wiki]] sites
*[[Wiki name]] — position <!--such as [[bureaucrat]], [[sysop]], [[staff]], [[editor]], [[founder]], [[owner]], etc-->


;''External links
*{{Wp|Person article on En.Wp}} — on the [[English Wikipedia]]
*User pages and / or User talk pages on other wikis can also go here


Select and highlight the text above in the blue/grey 'boilerplate', select copy the highlighted text (Ctrl-c, or -c on your keyboard), and then paste (Ctrl-c or -v) it at the top of the edit box of the relevant wiki person article, then amend the fields to the right of the = sign with the requested information on the said person. Don't forget to click on the 'Show preview' button (alt-p (PC) or shift-esc-p (Mac) on your keyboard) to verify your edited detail is correct before saving (alt-s [PC] or shift-esc-s [Mac]).

See also