Template:Wikistats v2.2-project

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Revision as of 00:06, 4 August 2022 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Fix the unwanted {{PAGENAME}} magic word transclusion error with a manual 3rd option)
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This shortcut template is used to create a pre-formatted external link to the relevant Wikistats 2.2 sortable list table of wiki sites from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), grouped by Wikimedia Foundation projects, along with other non-WMF independently hosted MediaWiki-powered wiki projects such as Uncyclomedia Foundation, openSUSE, ShoutWiki, Miraheze, Metapedia, Wiki-Site.com, W3C. Specifically, this is also an interwiki template, meaning it creates a 'clean' external link to the requested Wikistats 2.2 page by using our interwiki table.


{{Wikistats 2.2|'1'|'2'|'3'}}


  1. = two-letter identifying code for wiki project from Wikistats 2.2 URL
  2. = pluralised name of wiki project as shown in title of target Wikistats 2.2 page
  3. = singular name of wiki project as shown on our WikiIndex category or article page
Example - project listing
{{Wikistats 2.2|wt|Wiktionaries|Wiktionary}}

Template:Wikistats 2.2

Similar related template

For a similar template which links to an individual wiki site stats page for Wikistats 2.2, see: Template:Wikistats 2.2-wiki.

See also