The Cafu Documentation

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The Cafu Documentation
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Founded by: Carsten Fuchs
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginViaForum"LoginViaForum" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.
Wiki engine: DokuWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution
Main topic: Game engine
Wiki size: unknown size see stats

(As of: 20YY-MM-DD)

The Cafu Documentation wiki provides documentation for the Cafu Game Engine.

The Cafu Engine is an all-purpose, modern 3D graphics and game engine and game development kit, feature complete to get you started quickly.

Cafu is open source software, available to everyone as '100% free software' under the MIT license, previously the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). It can be used to create a variety of 3D applications, including 'games', 'simulations', and 'training and architectural software'. Written in C++, the tools, libraries and framework have been designed to make the development of new games and other 3D applications easy. They are actively and continuously developed in order to provide the latest technology.

Its main features include
  • high-quality, real-time 3D graphics with a very powerful and flexible material system,
  • cross-platform and cross-compiler portability,
  • very fast built-in network code for multi-player internet and LAN games,
  • dynamic per-pixel lighting and shadows, combined with physically correct Radiosity,
  • very large terrain rendering, skeleton based model rendering,
  • 3D sound effects with a powerful sound system,
  • uses the powerful Lua language for map scripting, entity scripting and GUI scripting,
  • freely available under the GPL or a custom license that is tailored to you needs.