Northern Colorado Child Free Wiki

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Northern Colorado Child Free Wiki
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MoinMoin
Wiki license: NoLicense"NoLicense" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Lifestyles
Wiki size: 216 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 1 info / verify

(As of: 2008-07-05 –

Northern Colorado Child Free Wiki.

Welcome to the front page for the Northern Colorado Child Free Social Group (NCCFSG). This is a group for singles and couples from Colorado who have chosen - for whatever reason - not to have children.

Who we are

We are a group of adults who all share at least one common desire: we do not wish to have children of our own. We are teachers, accountants, business owners, authors, computer experts - you name it. We choose to call ourselves 'childfree' rather than 'childless', because we feel the term 'childless' implies that we're missing something we want - and we aren't. We consider ourselves childFREE - free of the loss of personal freedom, money, time and energy that having children requires.

Why this group

Because being childfree-by-choice is rather frowned upon by our kidcentric society, finding information (or links to information) is difficult. Most of us are almost afraid to ask someone who might know where we can find what we're looking for. . . the disapproving stares and cries of, "How can you not want children?!" often send us into a form of 'hiding'. We feel like freaks and don't realize exactly how many of us there are and exactly how much information is actually out there. This site attempts to remedy that problem.

This group was founded by members of the Denver Metro No Kidding! organization in 2005. We have a similar charter: this is a volunteer, social organization. Public events arranged by group members should be open to the entire group. It is not appropriate to restrict any event by race, color, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Everyone is welcome to arrange and/or post events. To join this group, just edit this page and put yourself on the membership list.

While we are not directly affiliated with the Denver group, we share interests and events with them because largely everything we do can be enjoyed by anyone in Denver. We are close enough that they can drive up here and many activities we do involve us driving down to Denver. These two groups are not mutually exclusive, and everyone is encouraged to join one or both, depending upon individual preferences. We do have a local email reflector ( go here to sign up) to reach the NCCFSG group. Once you are signed up, the address to reach everyone is <childfree AT lists DOT robsims DOT com>. This is used mostly for invites to movies, dinners and local hikes, etc. An archive of all the message sent to the reflector is available, if you want to view past activities and discussions we've had. If you are arranging a Denver activity and want to invite the entire Denver mailing list, post your invite to the DMNK message board on Yahoo groups.

This space is designated to document past activities (and picture uploads) and discussions. The space is on a Wiki because you (and everyone else) is encouraged to add your two-bits. If you see omissions or feel the need to make corrections, just edit this page and/or create new subpages. You should read the NewUsers page if you're unfamilar with Wiki and social web sites.