
From WikiIndex
Revision as of 00:31, 14 June 2006 by Ray King (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to WikiIndex, we are a wiki of wiki, wiki people and wiki ideas. We strive to help new wiki folk find wiki communities they are interested in. We strive to help experienced wiki folk think about larger issues in wikidom (How many wiki are being started and dropped? What are some GreatFeatures? How can the whole wiki community deal with spam? Etc.).

Even though we are a wiki, we use StructuredData. Even though we use MediaWiki we have some differences from Wikipedia, (see AboutUs)

Wiki Spotlight

Template:Recent visitors

zefrank vblog

June 9th, 2006 http://recentchanges.info/wp-content/TheShowWithZefrank.png

Over at the wonderful video weblog zefrank, he has opened up the script writing up to contributors of his wiki Zefrank.

The wiki is used to write the script for the show: Fabulouso Friday. Was it successful?

Congratulations on 1,500+ script edits and over 15,000 views of the Fabuloso Friday script!

WikiIndex Main Page Revamp

May 15th, 2006

We've just revamped the main page with the idea of making it easier for readers to get right to what they want. You are invited to help us flush out the main and sub categories; the ones we put up were just a quick start.

Peer to Patent

May 14, 2006

Its tough for the USPTO to get up to speed in all areas for which patent applications are sent to them. That probably has something to do with why they are so backed up and often have to rubber stamp applications without a more in depth review. To address this problem, the USPTO has launched a pilot program called “Peer to Patent” which employs the JotSpot wiki engine. The idea is to open up the review process and invite the community to help dig up prior art and provide other assistance to the examiners.


WikiSym is coming up in August in Denmark. There is already an impressive list of speakers, including Angela Beesley, Doug Englebart, Mark Bernstein and WardCunningham, plus part of the conference will be in OpenSpace.

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Apple, GNU, Software, Hardware, Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Audio, C, Blogging, CSS, Computer Graphics, GNU, more...


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Wiki Walking

Random Page, WikiNode, TourBusStop, Popular Pages, Wanted Pages, New Pages, WikiEngineTree, 33 Wiki in 33 Days

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For a little extra fun, as we can, we have hired a caricaturist to draw people based on the pictures posted here. These Digital caricatures are by the very talented Rhoda Grossman (Digital Painting).