Wiki direktif
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Recent changes [No WikiNode] [No About] [No Mobile URL] |
Founded by: | Ikhlasul Amal |
Status: | Dead |
Language: | Indonesian |
Edit mode: | ByInvitation |
Wiki engine: | MoinMoin |
Wiki license: | Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike |
Main topic: | Computers |
- This Wiki direktif has been dead (offline) since early 2009.
Wiki size: | 131 article pages see stats |
(As of: 2007-05-06 –
Wiki #direktif (en: #directives Wiki) was an Indonesian-language wiki site, with articles about computers; specifically hardware and software, and all related utilities and technologies about computing.
Indonesian description / deskripsi bahasa indonesia[edit]
- dari berandanya
Selamat datang di Wiki #direktif, bagian dari #direktif.
Wiki #direktif berisi informasi tentang aspek Teknologi Informasi (TI) untuk organisasi kecil dan pemakai di rumah (SOHO: Small Office and Home). Hal ini sesuai dengan topik yang ditulis sebagai catatan di #direktif. Wiki #direktif menggunakan AlatBantuWiki MoinMoin dengan maksud agar pengelolaan dokumen di dalamnya lebih fleksibel, partisipan lebih banyak, dan relatif mudah dikelola.
- Ingin bergabung dengan penyusunan informasi di sini? Baca PenjelasanUntukKontributor.
- Mencoba penyuntingan (editing) dokumen? Ayo main di TanahLapang.
- Ikuti diskusi tentang materi atau penyusunannya di HalamanDiskusi.
- Lisensi artikel yang digunakan di situs Web ini tersedia di LisensiArtikel.
- Perangkat keras
- PerangkatKerasKomputer – penjelasan perangkat keras berbagai jenis komputer.
- Periferal – penjelasan tentang kelengkapan perangkat komputer.
- Perangkat lunak
- SistemOperasi – perangkat lunak pertama yang dijalankan saat komputer mulai beroperasi.
- AplikasiPerkantoran – aplikasi umum perkantoran.
- Utilitas – perangkat lunak alat bantu.
- Jaringan
- Ruang interaksi
- PengalamanTeknis – pengalaman dari lapangan.
- HalamanDiskusi – diskusi kontributor Wiki ini.
Wiki ini belum memiliki logo. Jika Anda berkenan berkontribusi menyediakan logo untuk Wiki ini, kontak saya lewat Ikhlasul Amal, <[email protected]>. Kontribusi Anda akan dituliskan di halaman terima kasih disertai taut (link) ke situs Web atau blog Anda. Terima kasih sebelumnya.
English description / deskripsi bahasa inggris[edit]
- from its homepage
Welcome to the #directives Wiki, part of the #directives.
The #directive wiki contains information on aspects of information technology (IT) for small organisations and home users (SOHO: Small Office and Home). This corresponds to the topic written as a note in the #directive. The #directive wiki uses the MoinMoin wiki tools with the intention of making the management of documents in it more flexible, more participants, and relatively easy to manage.
- Want to join the compilation of information here? Read explanation for contributors.
- Trying to edit a document? Let's play in wiki sandbox.
- Follow the discussion about the material or its arrangement on the discussion page.
- Licenses for articles used on this web site are available at article licenses.
- Hardware
- Computer Hardware – a description of the hardware of various types of computers.
- Peripheral – an explanation of the completeness of computer equipment.
- Software
- Operating System – the first software that runs when the computer starts up.
- Office Applications – general office applications.
- Utilities – assistive software.
- Network
- Interaction space
- Technical Experience – experience from the field.
- Discussion Pages – a discussion of the contributors to this wiki.
This wiki does not yet have a logo. If you would like to contribute to providing a logo for this wiki, please contact me via Ikhlasul Amal, <[email protected]>. Your contribution will be listed on a thank you page with a link to your website or blog. Thank you in advance.