Template:ISO 639-2

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ISO 639-2: [[ISO-639-2:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]


A shortcut template which creates an interwiki link to the ISO 639-2 Identifier Documentation of the requested two-letter (alpha-2) language code on the ISO 639-2 Registration Authority website (one of the three language code sets) at LoC.gov/standards/iso639-2/ from the Library of Congress at Washington, DC in the United States (formerly known as the Summer Institute of Linguistics), one of the official language standards authorities of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).[1] Specifically, this language template creates a basic unformatted interwiki link, visually very similar to a normal 'internal' wikilink; meaning this can be used within conventional textual prose of any article here on WikiIndex.


{{ISO 639-2|zh}}

ISO 639-2zh

See also[edit]

  • Template: ISO 639-3 — creates an interwiki link to the ISO 639-3 Identifier Documentation of the three-letter (alpha-3) language code on the ISO 639-3 Registration Authority website
  • Template: Glottolog — creates an interwiki link to the Glottolog four-4 reference information for the world's languages, especially the lesser known languages
  • Template: IETF-language-tag — a template to display the standardised language code for a specific language from the Internet Engineering Task Force
  • Template: Language Category — a template which creates standard header text for all language categories here on WikiIndex
  • Template: Wiki language category — the template used for standard header text for all Wiki language categories here on WikiIndex
  • Template: Language names — a template used to create language names from ISO short codes, within 'babel' box templates

External links[edit]