Template:Wikistats v2.2-wiki

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Revision as of 19:03, 28 July 2023 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Standardise)
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This statistic template is used to create a pre-formatted external link to the relevant independently created Wikistats v2.2 webpage containing statistics of an individual wiki site, from mutante of Germany (originally hosted at S23.org). Wikistats v2.2 details all wiki sites in all languages from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), grouped by Wikimedia Foundation projects, along with other non-WMF independently hosted MediaWiki-powered wiki projects such as Uncyclomedia Foundation, openSUSE, ShoutWiki, Miraheze, Metapedia, Wiki-Site.com, W3C.

Usage of this specific template on any article page here on WikiIndex will automatically include said article page into category: Monitored by WikiStats v2.2.



{{Wikistats v2.2-wiki|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'}}


  1. = two-letter (or letter-number) identifying code for the general wiki project hosting the individual wiki site, from Wikistats v2.2 URL
  2. = multi-number 'id' identifying code for the actual individual wiki site from Wikistats v2.2 URL
  3. = name of wiki site (either as shown in title of target Wikistats v2.2 page, or WikiIndex article page name)
  4. = name of wiki project from Wikistats v2.2


{{Wikistats v2.2-wiki|mw|16948|Lesswrongwiki|mediawikis}}

Similar related template

For a similar template which links to a sortable list table of a 'project' for wiki sites site stats page for Wikistats v2.2, see: Template:Wikistats v2.2-project.

See also