Template:Newest additions

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Revision as of 03:44, 17 November 2007 by Elassint (talk | contribs)
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16-Nov-2007: [1] A parody of Conservapedia that advises that: "most articles should take stereotypical liberal views and distort them to the extreme"

14-Nov-2007: StartUps 24/7 - On demand entrepreneurial resources from the Council for Entrepreneurial Development.

14-Nov-2007: ASP3 Wiki - Entire contents of Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 book from Wrox Press

14-Nov-2007: Christmas Specials Wiki - A very merry wiki full of yuletide cheer.

11-Nov-2007: Oracle Wiki - A wiki about Oracle products and the Oracle community

11-Nov-2007: IDS Developer Edition Wiki - A wiki about IBM's high-performance cluster database - Informix Dynamic Server

08-Nov-2007: Enciclopedia DG - A wiki encyclopedia in spanish, carmeni and english.

07-Nov-2007: WikiBriefs - A wiki for writing amicus curiae briefs.

04-Nov-2007: Wikinvestopedia - A Financial Wiki Glossary with investment definitions, chart descriptions and trading resources.

31-Oct-2007: Gay Celebrities Wiki - A wiki about who's gay and who's not.

29-Oct-2007: OneBuckWiki - A wiki for entrepreneurs and SEO specialists.

13-Oct-2007: ArticleWiki - A wiki about all things article.

11-Oct-2007: Pixar Wiki - A wiki about the animated movies of Pixar, including Toy Story and Finding Nemo.
11-Oct-2007: Reaper Wiki - A wiki about the CW series Reaper, about a young man hunting down souls for the Devil.
11-Oct-2007: Dexter Wiki - A wiki about the Showtime series Dexter about a serial killer who works for the police.
11-Oct-2007: Ugly Betty Wiki - A wiki about the hit ABC series Ugly Betty.
11-Oct-2007: Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki - A wiki about the new Disney Channel series about wizards-in-training.
09-Oct-2007: WikiBond - The Dutch webarchive about the most famous fictional Secret Agent: James Bond 007
06-Oct-2007: Skaneateles Wiki - An encyclopedia of all things relating to Skaneateles, NY
28-Sep-2007: ActProper - A manners and etiquette wiki with the goal of making the world nicer
27-Sep-2007: Bionic Wiki - Wiki documenting the world of NBC's new show Bionic Woman
25-Sep-2007: Folkipedia - A wiki for Folk & Traditional song, music and dance
25-Sep-2007: Tradexicon - A wiki with everything relating to trading, finance, business and companies
14-Sep-2007: Wiki Comuni-Italiani.it - wiki guide on all italian cities, information and photo
12-Sep-2007: ADD TV: The Robot Chicken Wiki - wiki for Robot Chicken television show
04-Sep-2007: JargonF - French IT dictionary
01-Sep-2007: Wikimagination - collaborative fantasy worldbuilding

29-Aug-2007: WikiDex - A Pokémon encyclopedia
27-Aug-2007: Peoplandard - A Project-Wiki to regulate democratic, international standards.
26-Aug-2007: RationalWiki - A pro-science, anti-creationism website.
18-Aug-2007: Radswiki - Radiology wiki that anyone can edit.
16-Aug-2007: Terrorchid - Wiki on Terrestrial Orchid culture, companion wiki for the terrorchid forum and gallery
16-Aug-2007: wiki.tango.info - a wiki for tango argentino, run by tango.info (t.i).
14-Aug-2007: Flash Gordon - a wiki about the Flash Gordon comic strip, serials, movie and TV show.
12-Aug-2007: AberWiki - a wiki oriented towards seafront town of Aberystwyth in west Wales.
12-Aug-2007: WikiWeddings - A free wedding planning site that everyone can edit.
11-Aug-2007: Humane Earth - Define, plan, and act - to make a more sustainable, inclusive, safe, and cruelty-free world.
09-Aug-2007: Wikipornia - For collecting information on porn actors, films and studios.
09-Aug-2007: RoWikicity - A free, fictional country that everyone can edit!
04-Aug-2007: Trustlet - A transparent, cooperative environment for the scientific research of trust metrics on social networks.
04-Aug-2007: TrentoWiki - A wiki for the city of Trento in Italy.
01-Aug-2007: Wikifixmycar - Collaborative car repair manual for every car.
01-Aug-2007: Wikihorses - Encyclopedia of horses and horse-related topics.
01-Aug-2007: Symbolism Wiki - Guide to literary symbolism.
01-Aug-2007: CDWiki - A large Wiki about Audio-CDs (german)
01-Aug-2007: Kivapedia - wiki supporting Kiva, online microlending to small businesses in developing countries.
13-Nov-2007: Language Links - A wiki for teachers of modern foreign languages