Ncdd Wiki
The NCDD Wiki has been closed.
Over the past year we have been trying to find ways to popularize the wiki but, unfortunately, we have been unable to encourage the community involvement necessary to support this type of collaborative workspace. We have also been plagued with malicious spam attacks and, without an active wiki community to monitor and maintain the integrity of the wiki, we have not been able to stay ahead of the destructive visitors.
NCDD is not abandoning the content that was found here. The Participatory Pratice tools will be moved to our main site as part of our 2006 site expansion. Other resources will be added to our resource section. As of Dec. 23rd: we are talking with other NCDD Wiki contributors about the possibility of the wiki continuing as an open wiki on another site. Contact Tom Atlee (see his link below) if you are interested in more information.
We would like to thank everyone who did participate.
We would especially like to express our gratitude to Tom Atlee of the Co-Intelligence Institute for all his hard work and contribution. The NCDD Wiki would not have existed without him.
Please visit our main site for more information about dialogue and deliberation.
Andy Fluke, Creative Director for the National Coaition for Dialogue & Deliberation