WikiIndex:Community portal

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Thanks for your effort to make WikiIndex a great place to be! To the left are the tasks that we are working on currently. Please feel free to ask questions or make changes, you won't break anything.


Wiki Workers – Tasks

Active Collaborations

Ongoing Tasks

One-Time Tasks

DPL turned off as a part of reducing the number of extensions extensions John 21:03, 3 May 2008 (EDT)


About WikiIndex

Community information

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Upgrade to MW 1.14.0 coming soon - Tentatively scheduled for 16 Apr 2009
Will be limited downtime. John 19:47, 9 April 2009 (EDT)

Looks like the DPL extension was the source of server outages, everything stable again.
John 19:54, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

Reducing the number of extensions to isolate the source of server load problems:

  • Analytics
  • Dynamic Page List
  • Random Include
  • Thumbnail
John 21:18, 3 May 2008 (EDT)

To avoid the Captcha, Login! and Confirm via Email John 18:24, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Changed reCAPTCHA permissions so that a logged in user who has confirmed via email address should be able to skip the CAPTCHA. We continue to tweek reCAPTCHA to combat the jibberish spam knowing that it was not meant for this purpose, it was meant for link spam. I can always ease off on the restrictions but the price we pay is more jibberish spam. John 18:23, 20 November 2007 (EST)

Upped reCAPTCHA permissions so that any anon edit will trigger the Captcha. This should cut out the jibberish spam but will likely annoy our non-logged in users - Sorry everyone but jibbersish spam is really bugging us. Let me know if any unintended consequences show up. John 21:24, 27 October 2007 (EDT)

Spam has been a growing problem for us so I have implemented a Captcha extension called reCAPTCHA in an effort to reduce the workload on our dedicate volunteer patrollers. If you encounter any problems with it please let me know. John 14:04, 1 September 2007 (EDT)

Once again we have moved, we ran out of database room on our shared hosting account and we are now running on a dedicated server on 1and1. John 15:48, 22 July 2007 (EDT)

Admin Notes

fr:Portail Communauté