Welcome to WikiIndex MarvelZuvembie! Nice work with all those pages you have been working on! Icewedge 01:01, 20 September 2008 (EDT)
- I'm Snuffleupagus, and I'm going to scare you out of bed! [makes furnace noises through snuffle] f-f-f-f-f-f [pokes Marvel with snuffle, Marvel jumps out of bed] --Snuffleupagus 12:44, 22 September 2008 (EDT)
Hi MarvelZuvembie
Welcome on WikiIndex, thanks for the deletion marks :) Greetings from Berlin, Wolf | talk 15:31, 6 October 2008 (EDT)
Image size
Dear MarvelZuvembie, when changing images sizes (having seen the results on the SklogWiki page) I wonder, is it possible to do so in such a way that transparent backgrounds are maintained? (If not then I shall produce a 'transparent' 175px image myself and upload it). All the best, -- Carl McBride (talk) 08:25, 10 October 2008 (EDT)
Was wondering if you would try to catch me in the IRC Chatroom one of these days - irc.freenode.net, #WikiIndex (irc://irc.freenode.net/wikiindex)
Best, MarkDilley
- I've never used IRC, but I'll give it a shot. --MarvelZuvembie 13:56, 20 October 2008 (EDT)
Poked by Snuffleupagus
I'm Snuffleupagus! [makes furnace noises through snuffle] f-f-f-f-f-f [in a normal voice] Get out of bed! [pokes Marvel with snuffle, Marvel jumps out of bed] --Snuffleupagus 12:05, 4 November 2008 (EST)
Wiki License
Hi - I am not sure what to do here. Why not go forward with your idea, we can always change the name later. Sound good? Best, MarkDilley
Thanks for the fix on the Forgotten Realms Wiki page
Thanks for correcting my addition of the size template to this wiki.
David Shepheard 06:58, 10 April 2009 (EDT)
- You're welcome. :-) --MarvelZuvembie 13:27, 10 April 2009 (EDT)
You have no right to delete links to new Wikis!
This Wiki exists for the sole purpose of being a guide to other Wikis regardless of content and you have no right whatsoever to delete links to other Wikis people have created! -- 04:29, 1 May 2009
There are links to URLS that are not even Wikis anymore here!
Miki's website is such a site it may had been a Wiki at some point but now is just an adult website with no Wikimedia content whatsoever... -- 21:24, 1 May 2009
- I think some former wikis websites have a place here and I wrote Old Liberapedia after the site was spammed to warn wiki owners and users what can happen to their wikis. We need to justify such links though especialy links to adult websites. Proxima Centauri 01:00, 7 May 2009 (EDT)
- Thanks, Proxima. Also, I responded on's talk page. NikkiWiki actually is still a wiki, they just put an big ad on their top page is all. So, I redirected the WikiIndex entry to point to the main page of the wiki instead of the ad. --MarvelZuvembie 12:45, 7 May 2009 (EDT)
late response
Hi! Just saw your question about the anonymous person. I think you did the right thing and I want us to really think about this idea: The purpose of this site is to provide an index of wikis, not to review them. - I am not certain that is entirely correct - certainly indexing them is the first thing, I just wonder what else of value can we do.. something to think about. Best, MarkDilley
that's it
Hi Marvel,
[1] I want to integrate the mw_parameters into Template:Size or, better, in an integrated Template:Wiki because size is accepted now. Greetings --Wolf | talk 03:47, 10 May 2009 (EDT)
- That sounds like a good idea, and probably not too difficult to implement. --MarvelZuvembie 12:52, 11 May 2009 (EDT)
Extension:Whos online
How do you Allowing wikiuser to have CREATE access
Here is how you can configure your wikiuser to have CREATE access to your wikidb: [user@server extensions]$ mysql -u root -p wikidb Enter password: mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * FROM 'wikiuser'@'localhost'; mysql> REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON * . * FROM 'wikiuser'@ 'localhost'; mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE ON * . * TO 'wikiuser'@ 'localhost';
- Hi, I was asking you how to do it. Sorry to bother you like that. Sachein 12:30, 23 May 2009 (EDT)
block length
Dear MarvelZuvembie, thank you for adding so many wiki to the WikiIndex and otherwise doing so much to make this WikiIndex a better place.
I suspect you have more experience with blocking users than I do -- would you mind sharing your knowledge at WikiIndex:Blocking Policy ? --DavidCary 08:30, 10 July 2009 (EDT)
Are these changes reasonable? You know the wiki better than I do. Proxima Centauri 13:48, 11 August 2009 (EDT)
- I don't really know the wiki; I just did some housekeeping on the entry. That said, the editor and changes appear to be legitimate at a glance. --MarvelZuvembie 14:01, 11 August 2009 (EDT)
Need your support to unprotect articles
Hi. Sorry to bug you but we need 3 sysops to get the following articles unprotected. There is basically no one that wants them protected, as far as I can tell. We are not really sure of the purpose of this but, only that you are supposed to decide when we get to move them back out <shrug>. (Notice the statement at the top of these pages):
16:25, 13 September 2009 Lumenos
a lot! [2] Greetings --Wolf | talk 04:28, 21 September 2009 (EDT)
You're welcome. --MarvelZuvembie 17:08, 21 September 2009 (EDT)
- My pleasure. --MarvelZuvembie 14:12, 12 March 2010 (EST)
The creator of the article Philsworld recently blanked it as the wiki is no longer active. I have changed it back, but substituted the Template:Tl template for the Template:Tl template. I presume that this is generally how we would prefer to indicate wikis which have reached the end of their lifespan. --MarvelZuvembie 17:10, 22 September 2009 (EDT)
- That is the way I have been doing them so far :-) - removing categories and still keeping the page around for perpetuity - although I would be open to hearing a different way to deal with the wiki that go by the wayside. Best, MarkDilley
I like that we keep the entry around instead of erasing it. It provides a historical record of what wiki was. This complements the active records which show what wiki is currently. --MarvelZuvembie 13:23, 23 September 2009 (EDT)
- Also - I want to show how it is easy to start a wiki, much like it is to make edits, but it is hard to have a wiki community. A wiki is only as strong as it's community. Best, MarkDilley
Please help develop WikiIndex policy
Hi, I'm coming to you as one of the few (currently) active admins.
Following the recent incidents surrounding the RationalWiki article, I have come to the conclusion that we need a set of really explicit policies and guidelines. I don't like this, but it's necessary. I have started work on Wikiindex:Policies_and_Guidelines and I would appreciate your input.
What I don't (yet) have is method. Not sure what should go on the talk page and what shouldn't. -- Felix Pleşoianu | talk 04:12, 4 October 2009 (EDT)
Regarding DiabloWiki_(English): It's pretty well described in the article. The wiki does not need two entries, so I have just taken the statistics and added them as one. Just a matter of listing most popular articles in chronological order and doing the regular wikiFactor routine on it. Same on "real articles", just adding them. I'm Leord over there if you want to leave a message or have questions. -- 11:24, 5 October 2009 (EDT)
- Ah, thanks! It makes sense now. For some reason, when I added them before, it didn't match the total. It may have been my mistake. --MarvelZuvembie 15:17, 5 October 2009 (EDT)
- No problemo :) Well, they have probably grown since then, but that's about it, or you need a new calculator ;) --Leord 06:21, 7 October 2009 (EDT)
- I blame Microsoft. ;-) --MarvelZuvembie 14:20, 7 October 2009 (EDT)
Strike out or delete
Hi MarvelZuvembie,
what do you think about deleting done wikis from the list?[3] Regards --Wolf | talk 03:22, 8 October 2009 (EDT)
- That's fine by me. In striking them out, I believe I was following someone else's precedent. However, deleting them makes more sense to me. --MarvelZuvembie 05:21, 8 October 2009 (EDT)
- MarkDilley collected them, I fighted them some time ago, and I would this page free of the lists. The Category:Wikis to add is a much better solution, it's self-servicing. :-) Of course the great work you make is thus a little less visible - nevertheless I'll see it. Best --Wolf | talk 06:21, 8 October 2009 (EDT)
Hi MarvelZuvembie, Thank you for the good work converting so many entries on the WikiProject:Wikis to Add list into articles.
p.s.: I was also "striking out" entries on the list, following someone else's precedent. I agree that, in this case, the extra hassle of the "one person strikes out, another person deletes" protocol doesn't seem to be worth its benefits compared to the "one person unilaterally delete when done" protocol. --DavidCary 12:18, 14 October 2009 (EDT)
- You're welcome! --MarvelZuvembie 18:02, 15 October 2009 (EDT)
spam black list
yay! ~~ MarkDilley
Phil's World
Marvel, the Wiki is NOT inactive. It has been deleted and will never be returning. The page you restored should be removed. Thank you. Timelord 20:40, 10 February 2010 (EST)
- Hmm. If this is an index of wikis, shouldn't it contain details about wikis that have been deleted too?
- Imagine this scenario: someone finds a mention of a wiki called "Phil's World" and tries looking for it. If we have an article, Googlebot will pick that up and the person will find out that the wiki is dead. If we don't have an article, they might find various mentions elsewhere and continue looking for the dead wiki, with no luck. David Shepheard 18:14, 17 March 2010 (EDT)
Thanks for the fix on Mistipedia
Thanks for adding the link to the logo on the Mistipedia article. I spent ages trying to find it (and even posted a request for help on the Fraternity of Shadows forum). David Shepheard 18:22, 17 March 2010 (EDT)
- No problem. I found a simple way to find the logo (which is often a bit of a trick with MediaWiki sites). If you use Firefox, select "Page Info" from the Tools menu. Then click on the "Media" tab. This will show the various media that appear on the page (usually images, but not limited to that). There may be an equivalent in Internet Explorer, but I haven't tried looking for it. --MarvelZuvembie 21:55, 17 March 2010 (EDT)
http stub
Good Idea! but the auto-categorization will fail now... --Wolf | talk 16:37, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
- Hi Wolf. Thanks for your letting me know. My question is, if it doesn't have a link, do we really want to categorize it? I see that Ted Ernst doesn't think we should. [4] Alternatively, perhaps we could put a comment in the boilerplate saying "Use http://". --MarvelZuvembie 16:43, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
- I think, to know that we have an entry without an URL is not so useful as to make clear that the http-syntax has to be used. I think you are right with your change. Maybe we should better try to change the template:wiki to meet your point (but that's really hard stuff). --Wolf | talk 17:08, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
- Yes, I can imagine that it would be. Will the comment break it, though? Maybe that's the better solution? --MarvelZuvembie 17:42, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
- OK, I changed it to a comment. Come to think of it, though, I'm only editing the boilerplate, not the Template:Tl itself. So this only affects users that cut-and-paste the boilerplate, not ones who create a new page using the button. --MarvelZuvembie 17:48, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
- I think, to know that we have an entry without an URL is not so useful as to make clear that the http-syntax has to be used. I think you are right with your change. Maybe we should better try to change the template:wiki to meet your point (but that's really hard stuff). --Wolf | talk 17:08, 25 March 2010 (EDT)
How can I creat a page about one of my wiki websites?
How can I creat a page about one of my wiki websites, that does not sound or look like any type of advertisement? The name of the website is Install Guide? If you want to me post the URL so you can see what the site is I will be willing to due that.--JFrancis 11:07, 7 July 2010 (EDT)
- Hi JFrancis. If you follow the instructions at Add a Wiki, it should be fairly easy. Otherwise, create a new page, copy your website's URL, and on the next line type {{add}}. --MarvelZuvembie 14:59, 7 July 2010 (EDT)
Your thoughts on upgrade and logo
Hi - can you check out, contribute if you want - WikiIndex:Admin_Notes#October_2010_Upgrade_Thoughts - best, MarkDilley
Re: Welcome
Hi, thanks for the welcome. I already added the CSS to Template:Tl. --Bachinchi 18:13, 4 November 2010 (PDT)
WoWWiki and PathfinderWiki both leave Wikia!
I've started a topic on the Wikia talk page, but hope you could give some input into how to proceed. David Shepheard 03:44, 5 November 2010 (PDT)
Changes in templates
Hi, MarvelZuvembie. I just wanted to notify you, I recently changed (1 2) Template:Tl and Template:Tl (1 2). There is no visual changes (except the border-width in wiki, 5px->4px). They now are more accessible and conformant with HTML/CSS thing. I hope you agree with the changes. --Bachinchi 03:06, 14 November 2010 (PST)
- Thanks for the heads-up! Changes to improve accessibility are very welcome! Thank you for doing that! --MarvelZuvembie 12:56, 15 November 2010 (PST)
category merge suggestion: LGBT and Queer
Suggestion at Category talk:Sexuality. Hope you will post a reply there. (Telling you because you edited QueerWiki.) --EarthFurst 01:29, 19 November 2010 (PST)
- Seems reasonable to me. --MarvelZuvembie 14:28, 22 November 2010 (PST)
Templates merging
Hi Marvel,
I added some usage help to one of the templates and categorized both (my suggestion: we should slightly expand use of subcategories for templates). If they are fully equivalent I don't know yet. Maybe we should discuss it, it could be good to start or resume a WikiProject for this subject. Did you already find something? Best --Wolf | talk 00:09, 17 December 2010 (PST)
- Hi Wolf. Thanks for the improvements! I'm happy to use either template (or both). But, I thought we might be duplicating effort, so I thought I'd let everyone involved know. I'll be interested to hear if Wikademia has further suggestions. --MarvelZuvembie 13:24, 17 December 2010 (PST)