User talk:Kawana

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Revision as of 13:44, 21 January 2011 by Kawana (talk | contribs) (→‎Hallo Kawana,)
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Those logos you marked as copyright vios and license incompatible really aren't. They're both cc licenses (there and here) and the only difference between them is the non-commercial part, and this wiki is (at least I'm pretty sure it is) not a commercial endeavor. Yeah, there's some Google ads, but I think that's just to pay for bandwidth and hosting. —User:Sean Fennel@ 13:16, 18 June 2006 (EDT)

yes, that's true, but if Kawana would like those logos taken off the records, I think we should do it because we've been asked to by an administrator of those sites. This site is designed to be helpful and the only reason we show the logos is to help people identify and find what they're looking for. --Raymond King | talk 13:47, 18 June 2006 (EDT)
I don't mind doing it because we are asked, but I do not want to do it because of "copyright infringement." We clearly have a fair use situation and have every right to use those images. Again, I'm not opposed to us taking them down, but let's be clear about the reason. TedErnst | talk 23:49, 18 June 2006 (EDT)
I do not talk about the fair use here, I talk about redistributing our Logos unter CC-by-sa-2.5-License. The images in Stadtwiki Karlsruhe are not all unter a free license, this is explained in German on every page there. The idea of this wiki is fine. --Kawana 14:06, 19 June 2006 (EDT)
Kawana, I see you've edited the pages to "NoLogo". Let's just respect that and keep them that way. --Raymond King | talk 14:37, 19 June 2006 (EDT)
actually that was me ;-) MarkDilley

Copyright of Logos[edit]

see also Talk:ThisWiki:Copyright --Kawana 14:23, 19 June 2006 (EDT)

Hallo Kawana,[edit]

schön, dass du die Daten zu den Stadtwiki-Varianten ergänzt hast, dann quälen mich nun keine Gewissensbisse, es nicht selbst gleich getan zu haben.
Im Stadtwiki selbst ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Navigation über Sprachen nicht in allen Sprachen aktuell ist. Spanisch fehlt in de und ru.
Beste Grüße --Wolf | talk 05:04, 21 January 2011 (PST) ps: Wiki-Arbeit ist Schwarm-Arbeit. ;-)

Hallo, ich denke, dass kann ich schneller, die neuen Projekte sind "meine", ich war mir nur mit dem Lemma unschlüssig und hatte gewartet, bis da jemand was ändert.
Spanisch fehlt auf vielen Seiten, weil das derzeit nicht wirklich aktiv ist und wir keine Bots haben, die etwas eintragen.
Aber ich habe das RC dort im Auge, damit sich kein SPAM einnistet. -- Kawana 05:44, 21 January 2011 (PST)