Template:Wiki boilerplate Sv
From WikiIndex
Revision as of 12:13, 24 June 2011 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (added missing parameters (need translating into Swedish))
{{Wiki |name = <!--if left blank, will assume name of article--> |logo = [[Image:NoLogo.png]] |wide logo = <!--insert 'yes' ONLY when the logo is too wide OR the title is long--> |URL = DinWikiHttp <!--start with http:// - like: http://YourWikiURL.org--> |recentchanges URL = Inga <!--http://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/Special:Recentchanges--> |wikinode URL = Ingen <!--http://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/WikiNode--><!--If none, use No--> |status = DinWikiStatus |language = DittWikiSpråk |editmode = DittWikiRedigeringsLäge |engine = DinWikiMotor |license = YourWiki'sLicense |maintopic = DittWikiÄmne }} ==Description== {{add}} <!-- lägg till wikins deskription här och ta bort dom här kommentarerna och låtsaskategorierna/märkningarna lägg till egna märkning: {{tag|Wikis to add}} [[Category:FörstaExtra]] [[Category:AndraExtra]] It would also be helpful to add the year of founding, like so... [[Category:FoundedIn20xx]]<!--http://YourWikiURL.org/index.php?title=Special:Ancientpages--> --> {{Size |pages = <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages here - no thousands separators.--> |statistics URL = <!--Preferred, source of page count (mostly a statistics page). If unknown leave void.--> |wikiFactor = <!--Optional. If unknown leave void. (See Proposal:wikiFactor)--> |wikiFactor URL = <!--Optional, source of wiki factor. If unknown leave void.--> }}(As of: DD Month YYYY)<!--manually add date when stats are verified-->
På andra språk
- Template:Wiki Boilerplate — English version
- Template:Wiki BoilerplateFr — Français version