Reality Sculptors wiki

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RealitySculptors wiki kaleidascope anim.gif Reality Sculptors wiki
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Status: Dormant
Language: English
Edit mode: ByInvitation
Wiki engine: UseMod Wiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: design


There are several related projects incubating at the Reality Sculptors wiki:

  • online collaboration to write, edit, and publish a book "The Whole Future Catalog, an all-ages guide to interesting technologies and possibilities for us all as we move into the 21st Century."
  • helping people discover more about R. Buckminster Fuller's Design Science, and helping them figure out how to apply it to today's world -- to apply engineering and development to improve sustainability, reduce poverty, etc.
  • W.I.N., the Wealth Information Network project, builds stronger and more interconnected communities.
  • the World Future Society
  • online collaboration to write, edit, and publish a book "Haul Your Ass UpSpin! (A How to Manual for Transplanting Your Life)"
  • The Learning Alliance Network discusses discusses various lifelong learning strategies, and ways to make them available to people -- see Reality Sculptors: LearningLearning

urban design ? urban planning ?

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