Last modified on 4 December 2022, at 16:23

Dragonlance Lexicon

Wiki size: 9,040 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 10 info / verify

(As of: 2015-08-21)

Dragonlance Lexicon is about the Dragonlance fantasy setting, books, games, and characters. It is part of a Dragonlance portal called Dragonlance Nexus and displays the Dragonlance Nexus logo, where other wikis might display a logo showing their own name.

Pre wiki existence

Dragonance Lexicon was developed for several years on a Content Management System, before being converted to a wiki format during 2011 and unveiled to the public in January of 2012. This may lead to its wikiFactor seeming to be very low when compared to a comparible wiki of similar size.