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Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
window.hotcat_translations_from_commons = true;
 This imports the latest version of HotCat from Commons.
 HotCat is a gadget to make changes to categories much easier.
 Full documentation can be found at
mw.loader.load( '//' );
// See
// for details and installation instructions.
// The script consists of three major parts:
// * some helper functions
// * the core of the user interface, including code that collects suggestions from a set of rules
// * the rule implementations
// All functions, variables, and constants belonging to the script are
// encapsulated in a private namespace object---``ct'' for ``Cameltrader'':
var ct = ct || {};
// == Helpers ==
// === DOM manipulation ===
// Browsers offer means to highlight text between two given offsets (``start''
// and ``end'') in a textarea, but some of them do not automatically scroll to it.
// This function is an attempt to simulate cross-browser selection and scrolling.
ct.setSelectionRange = function (ta, start, end) {
	// Initialise static variables used within this function
	var _static = arguments.callee; // this is the Function we are in.  It will be used as a poor man's function-local static scope.
	if (ta.setSelectionRange) {
		// Guess the vertical scroll offset by creating a
		// separate hidden clone of the original textarea, filling it with the text
		// before ``start'' and computing its height.
		if (_static.NEWLINES == null) {
			_static.NEWLINES = '\n'; // 64 of them should be enough.
			for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
				_static.NEWLINES += _static.NEWLINES;
		if (_static.helperTextarea == null) {
			_static.helperTextarea = document.createElement('TEXTAREA'); = 'none';
		var hta = _static.helperTextarea; = ''; = ta.clientWidth + 'px'; = ta.clientHeight + 'px';
		hta.value = _static.NEWLINES.substring(0, ta.rows) + ta.value.substring(0, start);
		var yOffset = hta.scrollHeight; = 'none';
		ta.setSelectionRange(start, end);
		if (yOffset > ta.clientHeight) {
			yOffset -= Math.floor(ta.clientHeight / 2);
			ta.scrollTop = yOffset;
			// Opera does not support setting the scrollTop property
			if (ta.scrollTop != yOffset) {
				// todo: Warn the user or apply a workaround
		} else {
			ta.scrollTop = 0;
	} else {
		// IE incorrectly counts '\r\n' as a signle character
		start -= ta.value.substring(0, start).split('\r').length - 1;
		end -= ta.value.substring(0, end).split('\r').length - 1;
		var range = ta.createTextRange();
		range.moveStart('character', start);
		range.moveEnd('character', end - start);;
// getPosition(e), observe(e, x, f), stopObserving(e, x, f),
// and stopEvent(event) are inspired by the prototype.js framework
ct.getPosition = function (e) {
	var x = 0;
	var y = 0;
	do {
		x += e.offsetLeft || 0;
		y += e.offsetTop  || 0;
		e = e.offsetParent;
	} while (e);
	return {x: x, y: y};
ct.observe = function (e, eventName, f) {
	if (e.addEventListener) {
		e.addEventListener(eventName, f, false);
	} else {
		e.attachEvent('on' + eventName, f);
ct.stopObserving = function (e, eventName, f) {
	if (e.removeEventListener) {
		e.removeEventListener(eventName, f, false);
	} else {
		e.detachEvent('on' + eventName, f);
ct.stopEvent = function (event) {
	if (event.preventDefault) {
	} else {
		event.returnValue = false;
		event.cancelBubble = true;
// ct.anchor() is a shortcut to creating a link as a DOM node:
ct.anchor = function (text, href, title) {
	var e = document.createElement('A');
	e.href = href;
	e.title = title || '';
	return e;
// produces the HTML for a link to a Wikipedia article as a string.
// It is convenient to embed in a help popup.
ct.hlink = function (toWhat, text) {
	var wgServer = window.wgServer || '';
	var wgArticlePath = window.wgArticlePath || '/wiki/$1';
	var url = (wgServer + wgArticlePath).replace('$1', toWhat);
	return '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + (text || toWhat) + '</a>';
// === Helpers a la functional programming ===
// A higher-order function---produces a cached version of a one-arg function.
ct.makeCached = function (f) {
	var cache = {}; // a closure; the cache is private for f
	return function (x) {
		return (cache[x] != null) ? cache[x] : (cache[x] = f(x));
// === Regular expressions ===
// Regular expressions can sometimes become inconveniently large.
// In order to make complex ones easier to read, we introduce
// a set of macros.  Tokens enclosed with ``{'' and ``}'' will be
// replaced according to the hashtable below.
// To do the replacements, one must pass the RegExp object
// through fixRegExp() and use the result instead, like this:
//	var re = ct.fixRegExp(/It happened in {month}/);
// Also, for the sake of convenience, we add the "getAllMatches(re, s)"
// method, which is a quick means to find all occurrences of a
// regex in some text.  It returns an array containing the results
// of applying RegExp.exec(..).
	'{letter}': // all Unicode letters
			+ '\\u00b5\\u00ba\\u00c0-\\u00d6'
			+ '\\u00d8-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u01ba\\u01bc-\\u01bf'
			+ '\\u01c4-\\u02ad\\u0386\\u0388-\\u0481\\u048c-\\u0556'
			+ '\\u0561-\\u0587\\u10a0-\\u10c5\\u1e00-\\u1fbc\\u1fbe'
			+ '\\u1fc2-\\u1fcc\\u1fd0-\\u1fdb\\u1fe0-\\u1fec'
			+ '\\u1ff2-\\u1ffc\\u207f\\u2102\\u2107\\u210a-\\u2113'
			+ '\\u2115\\u2119-\\u211d\\u2124\\u2126\\u2128'
			+ '\\u212a-\\u212d\\u212f-\\u2131\\u2133\\u2134\\u2139'
			+ '\\ufb00-\\ufb17\\uff21-\\uff3a\\uff41-\\uff5a',
	'{month}': // English only
			+ 'January|February|March|April|June|July|August|September|'
			+ 'October|November|December)',
ct.fixRegExp = function (re) { // : RegExp
	if (re.__fixedRE != null) {
		return re.__fixedRE;
	var s = re.source;
	for (var alias in ct.REG_EXP_REPLACEMENTS) {
		s = s.replace(
				new RegExp(ct.escapeRegExp(alias), 'g'),
	re.__fixedRE = new RegExp(s); // the fixed copy is cached =;
	re.__fixedRE.ignoreCase = re.ignoreCase;
	re.__fixedRE.multiline = re.multiline;
	return re.__fixedRE;
ct.escapeRegExp = ct.makeCached(function (s) { // : RegExp
	var r = '';
	for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
		var code = s.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
		r += '\\u' + '0000'.substring(code.length) + code;
	return r;
ct.getAllMatches = function (re, s) { // : Match[]
	var p = 0;
	var a = [];
	while (true) {
		re.lastIndex = 0;
		var m = re.exec(s.substring(p));
		if (m == null) {
			return a;
		m.start = p + m.index;
		m.end = p + m.index + m[0].length;
		p = m.end;
// == Advisor core ==
// This is the basic functionality of showing and fixing suggestions.
// === Global constants and variables ===
ct.maxSuggestions = ct.DEFAULT_MAX_SUGGESTIONS;
ct.suggestions; // : Suggestion[]
ct.eSuggestions; // : Element; that's where suggestions are rendered
ct.eAddToSummary; // : Element; the proposed edit summary appears there
ct.eTextarea; // : Element; the one with id="wpTextbox1"
ct.appliedSuggestions = {}; // : Map<String, int>
ct.scannedText = null; // remember what we scan, to check if it is
                       // still the same when we try to fix it
ct.BIG_THRESHOLD = 100 * 1024;
ct.isBigScanConfirmed = false; // is the warning about a big article confirmed
ct.isTalkPageScanConfirmed = false;
ct.scanTimeoutId = null; // a timeout is set after a keystroke and before
                         // a scan, this variable tracks its id
// === int main() ===
// This is the entry point
ct.observe(window, 'load', function () {
	ct.eTextarea = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
	if (ct.eTextarea == null) {
		// This is not an ``?action=edit'' page
	ct.eSuggestions = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'dashed #ccc 1px'; = '#888';
	var e = document.getElementById('editform');
	while (true) {
		var p = e.previousSibling;
		if ( (p == null) || ((p.nodeType == 1) && ( != 'toolbar')) ) {
		e = p;
	e.parentNode.insertBefore(ct.eSuggestions, e);
	ct.eAddToSummary = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'dashed #ccc 1px'; = '#888'; = 'none';
	var wpSummaryLabel = document.getElementById('wpSummaryLabel');
	wpSummaryLabel.parentNode.insertBefore(ct.eAddToSummary, wpSummaryLabel);
	ct.scan(); // do a scan now ...
	ct.observeWikiText(ct.delayScan); // ... and every time the user pauses typing
// === Internationalisation ===
// ct._() is a gettext-style internationalisation helper
// (
// If no translation is found for the parameter, it is returned as is.
// Additionally, subsequent parameters are substituted for $1, $2, and so on.
ct._ = function (s) {
	if (ct.translation && ct.translation[s]) {
		s = ct.translation[s];
	var index = 1;
	while (arguments[index]) {
		s = s.replace('$' + index, arguments[index]); // todo: replace all?
	return s;
// === Editor compatibility layer ===
// Controlling access to wpTextbox1 helps abstract out compatibility
// with editors like wikEd (
ct.getWikiText = function () {
	if (window.wikEdUseWikEd) {
		var obj = {sel: WikEdGetSelection()};
		WikEdParseDOM(obj, wikEdFrameBody);
		return obj.plain;
	return ct.eTextarea.value;
ct.setWikiText = function (s) {
	if (window.wikEdUseWikEd) {
		// todo: wikEd compatibility
		alert(ct._('Changing text in wikEd is not yet supported.'));
	ct.eTextarea.value = s;
ct.focusWikiText = function () {
	if (window.wikEdUseWikEd) {
ct.selectWikiText = function (start, end) {
	if (window.wikEdUseWikEd) {
		var obj = x = {sel: WikEdGetSelection(), changed: {}};
		WikEdParseDOM(obj, wikEdFrameBody);
		var i = 0;
		while ((obj.plainStart[i + 1] != null) && (obj.plainStart[i + 1] <= start)) {
		var j = i;
		while ((obj.plainStart[j + 1] != null) && (obj.plainStart[j + 1] <= end)) {
		obj.changed.range = document.createRange();
		obj.changed.range.setStart(obj.plainNode[i], start - obj.plainStart[i]);
		obj.changed.range.setEnd(obj.plainNode[j], end - obj.plainStart[j]);
	ct.setSelectionRange(ct.eTextarea, start, end);
ct.observeWikiText = function (callback) {
	// todo: wikEd compatibility
	ct.observe(ct.eTextarea, 'keyup', ct.delayScan);
// === Interaction with the user ===
// ct.scan() analyses the text and handles how the proposals are reflected in the UI.
ct.scan = function (force) {
	ct.scanTimeoutId = null;
	var s = ct.getWikiText();
	if ((s === ct.scannedText) && !force) {
		return; // Nothing to do, we've already scanned the very same text
	ct.scannedText = s;
	while (ct.eSuggestions.firstChild != null) {
	// Warn about scanning a big article
	if ((s.length > ct.BIG_THRESHOLD) && !ct.isBigScanConfirmed) {
				ct._('This article is rather long.  Advisor.js may consume a lot of '
				+ 'RAM and CPU resources while trying to parse the text.  You could limit '
				+ 'your edit to a single section, or ')
				ct._('scan the text anyway.'),
				'javascript: ct.isBigScanConfirmed = true; ct.scan(true); void(0);',
				ct._('Ignore this warning.')
	// Warn about scanning a talk page
	if ((window.wgCanonicalNamespace != null)
				&& /(\b|_)talk$/i.test(window.wgCanonicalNamespace)
				&& !ct.isTalkPageScanConfirmed) {
				ct._('Advisor.js is disabled on talk pages, because ' +
				'it might suggest changing other users\' comments.  That would be ' +
				'something against talk page conventions.  If you promise to be ' +
				'careful, you can ')
				ct._('scan the text anyway.'),
				'javascript: ct.isTalkPageScanConfirmed = true; ct.scan(true); void(0);',
				ct._('Ignore this warning.')
	ct.suggestions = ct.getSuggestions(s);
	if (ct.suggestions.length == 0) {
				ct._('OK \u2014 Advisor.js found no issues with the text.') // U+2014 is an mdash
	var nSuggestions = Math.min(ct.maxSuggestions, ct.suggestions.length);
		(ct.suggestions.length == 1)
				? ct._('1 suggestion: ')
				: ct._('$1 suggestions: ', ct.suggestions.length)
	for (var i = 0; i < nSuggestions; i++) {
		var suggestion = ct.suggestions[i];
		var eA = ct.anchor(,
				'javascript:ct.showSuggestion(' + i + '); void(0);',
		suggestion.element = eA;
		if (suggestion.replacement != null) {
			var eSup = document.createElement('SUP');
					ct._('fix'), 'javascript:ct.fixSuggestion(' + i + '); void(0);'
		ct.eSuggestions.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
	if (ct.suggestions.length > ct.maxSuggestions) {
				'...', 'javascript: ct.maxSuggestions = 1000; ct.scan(true); void(0);',
				ct._('Show All')
// getSuggestions() returns the raw data used by scan().
// It is convenient for unit testing.
ct.getSuggestions = function (s) {
	var suggestions = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < ct.rules.length; i++) {
		var a = ct.rules[i](s);
		for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) {
	suggestions.sort(function (x, y) {
		return (x.start < y.start) ? -1 :
		       (x.start > y.start) ? 1 :
		       (x.end < y.end) ? -1 :
		       (x.end > y.end) ? 1 : 0;
	return suggestions;
// delayScan() postpones the invocation of scan() with a certain timeout.
// If delayScan() is invoked once again during that time, the original
// timeout is cancelled, and another, clean timeout is started from zero.
// delayScan() will normally be invoked when a key is pressed---this
// prevents frequent re-scans while the user is typing.
ct.delayScan = function () {
	if (ct.scanTimeoutId != null) {
		ct.scanTimeoutId = null;
	ct.scanTimeoutId = setTimeout(ct.scan, 500);
// showSuggestion() handles clicks on the suggestions above the edit area
// This does one of two things:
// * on first click---highlight the corresponding text in the textarea
// * on a second click, no later than a fixed number milliseconds after the
// 		first one---show the help popup
ct.showSuggestion = function (k) {
	if (ct.getWikiText() != ct.scannedText) {
		// The text has changed - just do another scan and don't change selection
	var suggestion = ct.suggestions[k];
	var now = new Date().getTime();
	if (( != null) && (ct.lastShownSuggestionIndex === k) && (now - ct.lastShownSuggestionTime < 1000)) {
		// Show help
		var p = ct.getPosition(suggestion.element);
		var POPUP_WIDTH = 300;
		var eDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
		eDiv.innerHTML =; = 'absolute'; = Math.max(0, Math.min(p.x, document.body.clientWidth - POPUP_WIDTH)) + 'px'; = (p.y + suggestion.element.offsetHeight) + 'px'; = 'solid ThreeDShadow 1px'; = 'InfoBackground'; = '12px'; = 'InfoText'; = POPUP_WIDTH + 'px'; = '0.3em'; = 10;
		ct.observe(document.body, 'click', function (event) {
			event = event || window.event;
			var target = || event.srcElement;
			var e = target;
			while (e != null) {
				if (e == eDiv) {
				e = e.parentNode;
			ct.stopObserving(document.body, 'click', arguments.callee);
	ct.lastShownSuggestionIndex = k;
	ct.lastShownSuggestionTime = now;
	ct.selectWikiText(suggestion.start, suggestion.end);
// Usually, there is a ``fix'' link next to each suggestion.  It is handled by:
ct.fixSuggestion = function (k) {
	var s = ct.getWikiText();
	if (s != ct.scannedText) {
	var suggestion = ct.suggestions[k];
	if (suggestion.replacement == null) { // the issue is not automatically fixable
			s.substring(0, suggestion.start)
			+ suggestion.replacement
			+ s.substring(suggestion.end)
			suggestion.start + suggestion.replacement.length
	// Propose an edit summary unless it's a new section
	var editform = document.getElementById('editform');
	if (!editform['wpSection'] || (editform['wpSection'].value != 'new')) {
		if (ct.appliedSuggestions[] == null) {
			ct.appliedSuggestions[] = 1;
		} else {
		var a = [];
		for (var i in ct.appliedSuggestions) {
		a.sort(function (x, y) {
			return (ct.appliedSuggestions[x] > ct.appliedSuggestions[y]) ? -1 :
				   (ct.appliedSuggestions[x] < ct.appliedSuggestions[y]) ? 1 :
				   (x < y) ? -1 : (x > y) ? 1 : 0;
		var s = '';
		for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
			var count = ct.appliedSuggestions[a[i]];
			s += ', ' + ((count == 1) ? a[i] : (count + 'x ' + a[i]));
		// Cut off the leading ``, '' and add ``formatting: '' and ``using Advisor.js''
		s = ct._(
				'formatting: $1 (using [[User:Cameltrader#Advisor.js|Advisor.js]])',
		// Render in DOM
		while (ct.eAddToSummary.firstChild != null) {
		} = '';
				ct._('Add to summary'),
				'javascript:ct.addToSummary(unescape("' + escape(s) + '"));',
				ct._('Append the proposed summary to the input field below')
		ct.eAddToSummary.appendChild(document.createTextNode(': "' + s + '"'));
	// Re-scan immediately
// The mnemonics of the accepted suggestions are accumulated in ct.appliedSuggestions
// and the user is presented with a sample edit summary.  If she accepts it,
// addToSummary() gets called.
ct.addToSummary = function (summary) {
	var wpSummary = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
	if (wpSummary.value != '') {
		summary = wpSummary.value + '; ' + summary;
	if ((wpSummary.maxLength > 0) && (summary.length > wpSummary.maxLength)) {
				'Error: If the proposed text is added to the summary, '
				+ 'its length will exceed the $1-character maximum by $2 characters.',
				/* $1 = */ wpSummary.maxLength,
				/* $2 = */ summary.length - wpSummary.maxLength
	wpSummary.value = summary; = 'none';
// == Rules ==
// This chapter contains the ``rules'' that produce suggestions---this is where
// most of the load resides.  Each rule is a javascript function that accepts a
// string as a parameter (the wikitext of the page being edited) and returns an
// array of ``suggestion'' objects.  A suggestion object must have the following
// properties:
// * start---the 0-based inclusive index of the first character to be replaced
// * end---analogous to start, but exclusive
// * replacement---the proposed wikitext
// * name---this is what appears at the top of the page
// * description---used as a tooltip for the name of the suggestion
// The set of rules to apply depends on the content language.  Different
// languages have different formatting conventions, therefore this is not
// a matter of internationalisation like the UI core, but of unrelated
// implementations.  What follows is the implementation for the English-language
// Wikipedia.
if (!window.wgContentLanguage || (window.wgContentLanguage === 'en')) { // from this line on, a level of indent is spared
// The rules are stored in an array:
ct.rules = []; // : Function[]
// and are grouped into categories.
// === Linking rules ===
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /\[\[([{letter} ,\(\)\-]+)\|\1\]\]/g;
	re = ct.fixRegExp(re);
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '[[' + m[1] + ']]',
				name: 'A|A',
				description: '"[[A|A]]" can be simplified to [[A]].',
				help: ct.hlink('WP:Syntax#Wiki_markup', 'MediaWiki syntax')
					+ ' allows links of the form <tt>[[A|A]]</tt> to be abbreviated as <tt>[[A]].</tt>  '
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /\[\[([{letter} ,\(\)\-]+)\|\1([{letter}]+)\]\]/g;
	re = ct.fixRegExp(re);
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '[[' + m[1] + ']]' + m[2],
				name: 'A|AB',
				description: '"[[A|AB]]" can be simplified to [[A]]B.',
				help: ct.hlink('WP:Syntax#Wiki_markup', 'MediaWiki syntax')
					+ ' allows links of the form <tt>[[A|AB]]</tt> to be abbreviated as <tt>[[A]]B.</tt>'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	// Initialise statics
	var _static = arguments.callee;
	if (_static.MONTH_MAP == null) {
		_static.MONTH_MAP = {
				Jan: 'January', Feb: 'February', Mar: 'March', Apr: 'April', May: 'May',
				Jun: 'June', Jul: 'July', Aug: 'August', Sep: 'September', Oct: 'October',
				Nov: 'November', Dec: 'December', January: 'January', February: 'February',
				March: 'March', April: 'April', June: 'June', July: 'July',
				August: 'August', September: 'September', October: 'October',
				November: 'November', December: 'December'
	// This will match either a date+year or just a year, and will not match solitary dates.
	// If the year is part of an ISO date of the form [[yyyy]]-[[mm-dd]], the remainder is included.
	// The rule only controls the transition from linked to unlinked, as practice has shown
	// that improper linking is significantly more common than leaving linkable dates as plain text.
	var re = /(?:\[\[((?:(\d\d?) +({month}))|(?:({month}) +(\d\d?)))\]\],?( )? *)?\[\[({year})\]\](-\[\[\d\d-\d\d\]\])?/;
	re = ct.fixRegExp(re);
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		var date = m[1] || null;
		var year = m[7] || null;
		if (date == null) {
			if (!m[8]) { // protect ISO dates---m[8] is the ISO remainder
						start: m.start,
						end: m.end,
						replacement: year,
						name: 'year link',
						description: 'Convert link to normal text',
						help: 'It is useless to link a year unless it is preceded by a day and month.'
							+ '<br/>Years with a day and month are normally linked so that the user '
							+ 'preferences for date format can be applied, but linking a year alone '
							+ 'has no effect.'
		} else {
			var isAmerican = !m[2];
			var day = (isAmerican) ? m[5] : m[2];
			var month = _static.MONTH_MAP[(isAmerican) ? m[4] : m[3]];
			var ws = m[6] || ''; // whitespace between date and year
			var replacement = (isAmerican)
					? ('[[' + month + ' ' + day + ']],' + ws + '[[' + year + ']]')
					: ('[[' + day + ' ' + month + ']]' + ws + '[[' + year + ']]');
			if (replacement != m[0]) {
						start: m.start,
						end: m.end,
						replacement: replacement,
						name: 'date format',
						description: 'Fix date format',
						help: 'Commas in dates should follow one of these styles:<br/>'
								+ '<tt>[[1 January]] [[1970]]</tt><br>'
								+ '<tt>[[January 1]], [[1970]]</tt><br>'
								+ 'and month names should not be abbreviated.'
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	// Matches decades in the range 1000s ... 2990s,
	// linked either as [[xxx0]]s or as [[xxx0s]]
	var re = /\[\[([12][0-9][0-9]0)(\]\]s\b|'?s\]\])/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: m[1] + 's',
				name: 'decade link',
				description: 'Convert link to normal text',
				help: 'Decades should not be linked, unless they deepen the '
					+ 'readers\' understanding of the topic.'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	// Matches decades in the range 1000s ... 2990s
	var re = /\bthe +([12][0-9][0-9]0)'s\b/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: m[1] + 's',
				name: 'decade format',
				description: 'Remove the apostrophe from the decade',
				help: 'The preferred decade format is without an apostrophe, per '
						+ ct.hlink('WP:DATE#Longer_periods') + '.'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /\[\[([0-9]{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th) century)\]\]/g
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: m[1],
				name: 'century link',
				description: 'Convert link to normal text',
				help: 'Centuries should not be linked, unless they deepen the '
					+ 'readers\' understanding of the topic.'
	return a;
// === Character formatting rules ===
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(/ +$/gm, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		if (/^[=\|]$/.test(s[m.start - 1])) { // this can be tolerated, it happens too often in templates
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '',
				name: 'whitespace',
				description: 'Delete trailing whitespace',
				help: 'Trailing whitespace at the end of a line is unnecessary.'
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /[{letter}]( +- +)[{letter}]/g;
	re = ct.fixRegExp(re);
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		// Be careful not to break wikilinks.  If we find a ']' before we find an '['---drop the suggestion.
		var rightContext = s.substring(m.end);
		var indexOfOpening = rightContext.indexOf('[');
		var indexOfClosing = rightContext.indexOf(']');
		if ((indexOfClosing != -1)
				&& ((indexOfOpening == -1) || (indexOfOpening > indexOfClosing))) {
				start: m.start + 1,
				end: m.end - 1,
				replacement: '&nbsp;\u2014 ', // U+2014 is an mdash
				name: 'mdash',
				description: 'In a sentence, a hyphen surrounded by spaces means almost certainly an mdash.'
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /[^0-9]({year}) *(?:-|\u2014|&mdash;|--) *({year})[^0-9]/g; // U+2014 is an mdash
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start + 1,
				end: m.end - 1,
				replacement: m[1] + '\u2013' + m[2], // U+2013 is an ndash
				name: 'ndash',
				description: 'Year ranges look better with an n-dash.'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = / (\u2014|\u2013|&mdash;|&ndash;)/g; // an m/ndash surrounded by normal spaces
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '&nbsp;' + m[1], // a non-breaking space and the dash
				name: 'nbsp-dash',
				description: 'Put a non-breaking space before the dash',
				help: 'Putting a ' + ct.hlink('non-breaking space') + ' (<tt>&amp;nbsp;</tt>) before a dash would '
					+ 'prevent the user agent from wrapping it at the beginning of the next line.'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(
		/(\{\{\s*(?:IPA[0-3]?|IPAAusE|IPAEng|IPAHe|[Pp]ronAusE|[Pp]ronEng|[Pp]ronounced)\s*\|\s*)([^\|\}]+)/gi, s
	var b = [];
	var ipaSubstitions = {
			':': {
					replacement: '\u02d0', // U+02D0 is a ``Modifier letter triangular colon'' (used to denote vowel lengthening in IPA)
					additionalHelp: "<p>In this case the triangular colon (``\u02d0'', <tt>U+02D0</tt>), "
						+ "used to denote vowel lengthening, looks like a regular colon (``:'', <tt>U+003A</tt>)."
			'\'': {
					replacement: '\u02c8', // U+02C8 is a ``Modifier letter vertical line'' (put before a stresses syllable)
					additionalHelp: "<p>In this case the vertical line (``\u02c8'', <tt>U+02c8</tt>), "
						+ " which is put before a stressed syllable, looks like an apostrophe (`` ' '', <tt>U+0027</tt>)."
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		var ipaText = m[2];
		for (var j = 0; j < ipaText.length; j++) {
			var ch = ipaText[j];
			if (ipaSubstitions[ch] != null) {
						start: m.start + m[1].length + j,
						end: m.start + m[1].length + j + 1,
						replacement: ipaSubstitions[ch].replacement,
						name: 'IPA character',
						description: "Replace ``false friend'' with the correct IPA character",
						help: 'The correct IPA character '
							+ ct.hlink('WP:IPA#Entering_IPA_characters', 'should be used')
							+ " instead of its ``false friend''."
							+ '<p>Unicode contains a reserved range of characters for '
							+ ct.hlink('International Phonetic Alphabet', 'IPA')
							+ ' transcription.  Some of them look very similar to other, '
							+ 'more commonly used, alphabetic or punctuation characters ('
							+ ct.hlink('False friend', 'false friends')
							+ ').' + (ipaSubstitions[ch].additionalHelp || '')
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /&#(([1-9][0-9]{0,4})|x([a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}));/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		var charCode = (m[2]) ? parseInt(m[2]) : parseInt(m[3], 16);
		if ((charCode < 128) || (charCode > 0xffff)) {
		var ch = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
		var chHex = charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase();
		chHex = '0000'.substring(chHex.length) + chHex;
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: ch,
				name: 'unicode-escape',
				description: 'Replace with an inline Unicode character',
				help: ct.hlink('WP:EDIT#Character_formatting', 'HTML-style escapes')
					+ " like ``<tt>&amp;#" + m[1]
					+ ";</tt>'' can be written inline using a Unicode character&mdash;in this case ``"
					+ ch + "'' (<tt>U+" + chHex + "</tt>)."
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /&([A-Za-z]+);/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	// Use a DOM element and its innerHTML property to do
	// the unescaping, let the browser do the dirty job.
	var e = document.createElement('DIV');
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		if (m[1] == 'nbsp') {
			// Opera incorrectly replaces nbsp-s with regular spaces:
		e.innerHTML = m[0];
		var ch = e.innerHTML;
		if (ch.length != 1) {
			// The entity is not a single Unicode character---ignore it
		var chHex = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
		chHex = '0000'.substring(chHex.length) + chHex;
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: e.innerHTML, // the entity, unescaped
				name: 'HTML entity',
				description: 'Replace with an inline Unicode character',
				help: ct.hlink('WP:EDIT#Character_formatting', 'HTML-style escapes')
					+ " like ``<tt>&amp;" + m[1]
					+ ";</tt>'' can be written inline using a Unicode character&mdash;in this case ``"
					+ ch + "'' (<tt>U+" + chHex + "</tt>)."
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(/\u2026/g, s); // ellipsis
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '...',
				name: 'ellipsis',
				description: 'Replace ellipsis with three periods/full stops',
				help: "The ellipsis character (``\u2026'', U+2026) should be replaced with "
					+ "three periods/full stops per "
					+ ct.hlink('WP:MOS#Ellipses')
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(/\b(NOT)\b/g, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		if ((s.substring(m.start - 2, m.start) == "''")
				&& (s.substring(m.end, m.end + 2) == "''")) {
		if (s.substring(m.end, m.end + noMoreLinksRemainder.length) === noMoreLinksRemainder) {
			// Tolerate subst'ed Template:NoMoreLinks
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: "''not''",
				name: 'all-caps',
				description: 'Change to lowercase',
				help: 'According to the ' + ct.hlink('WP:MOS#Capital_letters', 'Manual of Style')
					+ ', the word <i>' + m[1].toLowerCase() + '</i> should be italicised instead '
					+ 'of being written in all caps.'
	return b;
// === Template usage rules ===
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /^[ ':]*(?:Main +article)[ ']*:[ ']*\[\[([^\]]+)\]\][ ']*$/mig;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		if ((m[1] != null) && (m[1] != "")) {
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					replacement: '{{main|' + m[1] + '}}',
					name: 'template-main',
					description: 'Use the {{main|...}} template',
					help: 'Template <tt>' + ct.hlink('Template:Main', '{{main|...}}')
						+ '</tt> can be used in this place.'
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /(\{\{\s*)DEFAULTSORT\s*\|/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: m[1] + 'DEFAULTSORT:',
				name: 'default-sort-magic-word',
				description: 'Replace the template with a magic word',
				help: 'Usage of the <tt>{{' + ct.hlink('Template:DEFAULTSORT', 'DEFAULTSORT')
						+ '}}</tt> template is discouraged.  The magic word with the same name should be used instead.'
	return b;
// === Other rules ===
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	var re = /^(?: *)(==+)( *)([^=]*[^= ])( *)\1/gm;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	if (a.length == 0) {
		return [];
	var b = [];
	var level = 0; // == Level 1 ==, === Level 2 ===, ==== Level 3 ====, etc.
	var editform = document.getElementById('editform');
	// If we are editing a section, we have to be tolerant to the first heading's level
	var isSection = editform &&
	                (editform['wpSection'] != null) &&
	                (editform['wpSection'].value != '');
	// Count spaced and non-spaced headings to find out the majority
	var counters = {spaced: 0, nonSpaced: 0, unclear: 0};
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		counters[(!m[2] && !m[4]) ? 'nonSpaced' : (m[2] && m[4]) ? 'spaced' : 'unclear']++;
	var predominantSpacingStyle;
	if (counters.spaced > counters.nonSpaced) {
		predominantSpacingStyle = 'spaced';
	} else if (counters.spaced < counters.nonSpaced) {
		predominantSpacingStyle = 'nonSpaced';
	} else {
		predominantSpacingStyle = 'unclear';
		// We cannot decide which spacing style is predominant,
		// so we show a suggestion attached to the first heading,
		// recommending consistent spacing:
				start: a[0].start,
				end: a[0].end,
				replacement: null,
				name: 'heading',
				description: 'Consider using consistent heading spacing',
				help: 'Heading style should be either '
					+ "``<tt>==&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;==</tt>'' or ``<tt>==Heading==</tt>''.  "
					+ "Headings in this article use an equal number of both.  "
					+ "Consider choosing a heading style and using it consistently."
	var titleSet = {}; // a set of title names, will be used to detect duplicates
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		if (m[2] != m[4]) {
			var spacer = (predominantSpacingStyle == 'spaced') ? ' ' : (predominantSpacingStyle == 'nonSpaced') ? '' : m[2];
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					replacement: m[1] + spacer + m[3] + spacer + m[1],
					name: 'heading',
					description: 'Fix whitespace',
					help: 'Heading style should be either '
						+ "``<tt>==&nbsp;Heading&nbsp;==</tt>'' or ``<tt>==Heading==</tt>''."
		} else if ((m[2] && (predominantSpacingStyle == 'nonSpaced'))
		       || (!m[2] && (predominantSpacingStyle == 'spaced'))) {
			var spacer = (m[2]) ? '' : ' ';
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					replacement: m[1] + spacer + m[3] + spacer + m[1],
					name: 'heading-style',
					description: 'Conform to the existing majority of '
						+ ((m[2]) ? 'non-spaced' : 'spaced') + ' headings',
					help: 'There are two styles of writing headings in wikitext:<tt><ul><li>== Spaced ==<li>==Non-spaced==</ul>'
						+ 'Most of the headings in this article are '
						+ ((m[2]) ? 'non-spaced' : 'spaced')
						+ '  (' + counters.spaced + ' vs ' + counters.nonSpaced + ').  '
						+ 'It is recommended that you adapt your style to the majority.'
		var oldLevel = level;
		level = m[1].length - 1;
		if ( (level - oldLevel > 1) && (!isSection || (oldLevel > 0)) ) {
			var h = '======='.substring(0, oldLevel + 2);
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					replacement: h + m[2] + m[3] + m[2] + h,
					name: 'heading-nesting',
					description: 'Fix improper nesting',
					help: 'A heading ' + ct.hlink('WP:MOS#Section_headings', 'should be')
						+ ' nested one level deeper than its parent heading.'
		var frequentMistakes = [
				{ code: 'see-also',  wrong: /^see *al+so$/i,          correct: 'See also' },
				{ code: 'ext-links', wrong: /^external links?$/i,     correct: 'External links' },
				{ code: 'refs',      wrong: /^ref+e?r+en(c|s)es?$/i,  correct: 'References' }
		for (var j = 0; j < frequentMistakes.length; j++) {
			var fm = frequentMistakes[j];
			if (fm.wrong.test(m[3]) && (m[3] != fm.correct)) {
				var r = m[1] + m[2] + fm.correct + m[2] + m[1];
				if (r != m[0]) {
							start: m.start,
							end: m.end,
							replacement: r,
							name: fm.code,
							description: 'Change to ``' + fm.correct + "''.",
							help: 'The correct spelling/capitalisation is ``<tt>' + fm.correct + "</tt>''."
		if (titleSet[m[3]] != null) {
					start: m.start + (m[1] || '').length + (m[2] || '').length,
					end: m.start + (m[1] || '').length + (m[2] || '').length + m[3].length,
					replacement: null, // we cannot propose anything, it's the editor who has to choose a different title
					name: 'duplicate-title',
					description: 'Avoid duplicate section titles',
					help: 'Section names '
						+ ct.hlink('WP:MOS#Section_headings', 'should preferably be unique')
						+ ' within a page; this applies even for the names of subsections.'
		titleSet[m[3]] = true;
	return b;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	// U+2013 and U+2014 are an ndash and an mdash
	var re = /\( *(?:b\.? *)?({year}) *(?:[\-\\u2013\\u2014]|&ndash;|&mdash;|--) *\)/g;
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(re, s);
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		a[i] = {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				replacement: '(born ' + m[1] + ')',
				name: 'born',
				description: 'The word \'born\' should be fully written.',
				help: 'According to '
					+ ct.hlink('WP:DATE#Dates_of_birth_and_death', 'WP:DATE')
					+ ', the word <i>born</i> should be fully written.'
	return a;
ct.rules.push(function (s) {
	// ISBN: ten or thirteen digits, each digit optionally followed by a hyphen, the last digit can be 'X' or 'x'
	var a = ct.getAllMatches(/ISBN *=? *(([0-9Xx]-?)+)/gi, s);
	var b = [];
	for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
		var m = a[i];
		var s = m[1].replace(/[^0-9Xx]+/g, '').toUpperCase(); // remove all non-digits
		if ((s.length !== 10) && (s.length !== 13)) {
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					name: 'ISBN',
					description: 'Should be either 10 or 13 digits long',
					help: 'ISBN numbers should be either 10 or 13 digits long.  '
							+ 'This one consists of ' + s.length + ' digits:<br><tt>' + m[1] + '</tt>'
		var isNew = (s.length === 13); // old (10 digits) or new (13 digits)
		var xIndex = s.indexOf('X');
		if ((xIndex !== -1) && ((xIndex !== 9) || isNew)) {
					start: m.start,
					end: m.end,
					name: 'ISBN',
					description: 'Improper usage of X as a digit',
					help: "``<tt>X</tt>'' can only be used in 10-digit ISBN numbers "
							+ ' as the last digit:<br><tt>' + m[1] + '</tt>'
		var computedChecksum = 0;
		var modulus = (isNew) ? 10 : 11;
		for (var j = s.length - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
			var digit = s.charCodeAt(j) - 48; // 48 is the ASCII code of '0'
			var quotient = (isNew)
								? ((j & 1) ? 3 : 1) // the new way: 1 for even, 3 for odd
								: (10 - j);         // the old way: 10, 9, 8, etc
			computedChecksum = (computedChecksum + (quotient * digit)) % modulus;
		computedChecksum = (modulus - computedChecksum) % modulus;
		var c = s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) - 48;
		var actualChecksum = ((c < 0) || (9 < c)) ? 10 : c;
		if (computedChecksum === actualChecksum) {
				start: m.start,
				end: m.end,
				name: 'ISBN',
				description: 'Bad ISBN checksum',
				help: 'Bad ISBN checksum for<br/><tt>' + m[1] + '</tt><br/>'
	return b;
} // end if (window.wgContentLanguage === 'en')
// Search box for Mediawiki
// (c) 2006 [[User:Zocky]], released under GPL
var sr$t;
var sr$f;
var sr$s;
var sr$r;
var sr$w;
var sr$i;
var sr$re;
var sr$mc;
function $e(id) {return document.getElementById(id)}
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    var w=sr$t.cols-5;
    var dummy=sr$t.value.split("\n");
    for (i=0;i<dummy.length;i++){allLines+=Math.ceil(dummy[i].length/w)}
    var dummy=sr$t.value.substring(0,sr$t.selectionStart).split("\n");
    for (i=0;i<dummy.length;i++){lineNo+=Math.ceil(dummy[i].length/w)}
//    alert (w+" "+lineNo+"/"+allLines);
function srInit()
  if($e('wpTextbox1')) {
var srBoxCode ='<div id="srForm"><table id="srBox" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"><tr>'
           +'<td valign="middle">'
           +'<input type="checkbox" id="srCase" onclick="sr$t.focus()" tabindex="10"/><small><span style="color:#000000;">match case</span</small>&nbsp;'
           +'<input type="checkbox" id="srRegexp" onclick="sr$t.focus()" tabindex="11"/><small><span style="color:#000000;">use regexp</span></small>&nbsp;&nbsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srBack()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="find previous match [alt-2]" accesskey="2">&lt;</a>&nbsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srNext()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="find next match [alt-3]" accesskey="3">find&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;</a>&emsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srReplace();srBack()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="replace and find previous match [alt-4]" accesskey="4">&lt;</a>&nbsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srReplace()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="replace this match">replace</a>&nbsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srReplace();srNext()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="replace and find next match [alt-5]" accesskey="5">&gt;</a>&emsp;'
           +'<a href="javascript:srReplaceall()" onmouseover="sr$t.focus()" title="replace all matches [alt-7]" accesskey="7">replace&nbsp;all</a>&emsp;'
           +'<td valign="bottom"><small><span style="color:#000000;">search for:</span></small></td>'
           +'<td valign="bottom"><input type="text" id="srSearch" accesskey="F" tabindex="8" onkeypress="event.which == 13 && srNext()"; value=""/></td>'
           +'<td valign="bottom"><small><span style="color:#000000;">replace with:</span></small></td>'
           +'<td valign="bottom"><input type="text" id="srReplace" accesskey="G" tabindex="9" onkeypress="event.which == 13 && srNext()"; value=""/></td>'
    var ep=$e('searchInput');
    if (ep) ep.accessKey='none';
    var sr=document.createElement('div');
    var im=document.createElement('span');
    im.innerHTML='<a id="SearchIcon" href="javascript:srShowHide()"><img style="cursor: pointer;" title="Search/Replace" alt="Search/Replace" src="" border="0" height="22" width="23"></a><a href="javascript:srToggleCase()"><img style="cursor: pointer;" title="Toggle case" alt="Toggle case" src="" border="0" height="22" width="23"></a>';
    var ep=$e('toolbar');
    if (ep)
      var ep=$e('editform');
    var ep=$e('editform');
function srShowHide()
  if (sr$'none')