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| statistics URL = http://buedingen.wikia.com/wiki/Spezial:Statistik?action=raw
| pages = 81 <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages here - no thousands separators.-->
| pages = 77
| statistics URL = http://buedingen.wikia.com/wiki/Spezial:Statistik?action=raw <!--Preferred, source of page count (mostly a statistics page). If unknown leave void.-->
| wikiFactor =  <!--Optional. If unknown leave void. (See Proposal:wikiFactor)-->
| wikiFactor URL = <!--Optional, source of wiki factor. If unknown leave void.-->


Revision as of 09:26, 5 April 2012

File:BüdingenWikia.png Buedingen
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Language: German
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki |]]
Main topic: Cities


Büdingen is a Wikia for the city of Büdingen in Hesse, Germany.

The city is known for its medieval stronghold, which is still in good condition, and for its timber-framed houses. The wiki provides a place to tell about the history, buildings and people.

Wiki size: 81 article pages see stats