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Category:Wiki GNU General Public License: Difference between revisions

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(better category name)
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[[Category:GNU license]]
[[Category:GNU license]]
[[Category:Wiki GNU|General Public License]]
[[Category:GNU wiki license|General Public License]]

Revision as of 08:27, 31 December 2012

GNU GPL.v3.png
Category:Wiki GPL and Category:Wiki GNU GPL redirect to here.

Category:Wiki GNU General Public License — this category contains wikis with wiki content which is released under one (or more) iterations of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL, or merely just GPL) (free content).

The GNU General Public License has been released in three iterations, the current valid iteration as follows:

Prior to the above current iteration, the GNU GPL was previously available in the following obsolete iterations:

See also: category:GNU General Public License, for wiki engines and / or other software which is released for free under the GNU General Public License, or for wikis whos' wiki content discusses the GNU GPL as a subject matter.

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