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Encyc (MediaWiki): Difference between revisions

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(Replaced content with "{{PAGENAME}} has been Vandalized by Willy on wheels")
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{{PAGENAME}} has been Vandalized by Willy on wheels
|URL              = http://encyc.org/wiki/Main_Page
|logo            = http://encyc.org/w/skins//common/images/EncycLogoTransparent.png
|recentchanges URL= http://encyc.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges
|wikinode URL    = No <!--http://YourWikiURL.org/wiki/WikiNode - If none, use 'No'-->
|about URL        = http://encyc.org/wiki/Encyc:About
|status          = Active
|language        = English
|mobile URL = http://encyc.org/w/index.php?title=Encyc:About&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile
|editmode        = [[LoginToEdit]]
|engine          = MediaWiki
|license          = Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
|maintopic        = Encyclopedia
|backupurl        = <!--backup file URL, found at '/Special:Statistics' on Wikia & other MediaWiki sites-->
|backupdate      = 2012-MM-DD <!--ISO date of backup URL, if unknown, type 'unknown date'-->
{{Size <!--see Template:Size for full detail-->
|pages= 2772<!--type the plain number of pages here - NO thousands separators-->
|statistics URL= http://encyc.org/wiki/Special:Statistics
|wikiFactor= 14<!--preferred, if unknown leave void, see: Category:wikiFactor-->
|wikiFactor URL= http://encyc.org/wiki/Special:PopularPages
}}(As of: 2017-02-07)<!--manually add/amend date when stats are verified and/or updated-->
'''Encyc''', located at Encyc.org, is a collaborative {{tag|encyclopedia}} similar to [[:Category:Wikipedia|Wikipedia]].  There are less rules on Encyc and they encourage simplicity in language. The site has much less content and most articles are very brief.
There is also the original [[Encyc (PmWiki)|PMwiki version]] of Encyc [http://encyc.org/pmwiki here], but it cannot be edited.
As of 4/27/2019, it has become rather pro-communist. <ref>https://encyc.org/wiki/Communism</ref>
==Other wikis on Encyc==
*[https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Encyc WikiApiary]
==External links==
*[https://www.twitter.com/encyc Twitter feed]
*[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=114232038678905 Facebook page]

Revision as of 20:28, 28 April 2019

Encyc (MediaWiki) has been Vandalized by Willy on wheels