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Oddwiki: Difference between revisions

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m (Hoof Hearted moved page Category:Oddwiki to Oddwiki without leaving a redirect: WikiIndex:Naming conventions)
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:54, 4 August 2022

Oddwiki is a mother wiki based on https://CommunityWiki.org/wiki/Oddwiki Archive.org

We want to help people get started. We don't want this to develop into a wiki-farm. We don't have the hands, hearts, and bandwidth required for that. We want this to be the place where people get started, get convinced, get hooked, and get going. Once your wiki takes off, you should eventually migrate your pages to your own system. Don't worry, however: Migration is easy.

Maybe call it a 'wiki nursery'?

Very nice idea, believe it was called the 'mother wiki' - so it fits.

(Not a WikiFarm)