Pierre Bernard: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Wiki People]] [[Category:French]]
{{Personal infobox <!--see 'Template:Personal infobox' for full detail-->
|image      = [[File:PierreBernard.jpg|320px]]<br>Pierre Bernard<!--MANUALLY wikilink, 320px width; OR hotlink 320px to external URL-->
|name      = Pierre Bernard<!--full OFFICIAL name of person-->
|age        = 37 (as of 2006-02-14)<!--or DoB, or just year of birth; leave blank if unknown-->
|gender    = {{tag|Male wiki people|Male}}
|other names= <!--birth name (if different), wiki username(s), other nickname(s); leave blank if none / unknown-->
|nationality= {{tag|Wiki people from France|French}}
|languages  = French<!--tag with babels IF WikiIndex editor, eg: {{Language|fi|N}}-->
|residence  = {{tag|Paris}}, France<!--city, state, country; tag first available-->
|home wiki  = [[Ze6TmD~BLoG]]<!--wikilink to WikiIndex article(s); leave blank if unknown-->
|status    = <!--'Active', 'Semi-active', 'WikiHoliday', 'Retired', 'Deceased', etc; leave blank if unknown-->
|website    = <!--eg: http://PersonalURL.org; leave blank if none / unknown-->
|contacts  = {{Nospam|ze6tmd|Gmail.com}}, gtalk: ze6tmd, [[Talk:Pierre Bernard]]<!--e-mail (anti-spam e-mail), Skype, IRC, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc; only if ALREADY in public domain; leave blank if none / unknown-->

[[Talk:Pierre_Bernard Hé laissez un message !]]
;''Additional categories
*[[:Category:Wikis with a mobile-view site|Fan of mobile-wikis]]

{{DEFAULTSORT:Bernard, Pierre}}
37. Paris. France. Fan of mobile-wikis.
* personalwiki : [[Ze6tmd]]
=== Contact ===
* ze6tmd(@)g.mail dot com
* gtalk : ze6tmd
=== Projects here ===
== Folksonomies, tags et catégories ==
* {{tag|FêteInternet}}
* {{tag|wikibiker}}
* {{tag|Wiki}}

Latest revision as of 13:35, 11 November 2023

Pierre Bernard
Pierre Bernard
Age: 37 (as of 2006-02-14)
Gender: Male
Other names:
Nationality: French
Language(s): French
Residence: Paris, France
Home wiki(s): Ze6TmD~BLoG
Editing status:
Pers. website:
Contact(s): ze6tmd{[at]}Gmail.com, gtalk: ze6tmd, Talk:Pierre Bernard
https://Upload.Wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Monobook_icon.svg/35px-Monobook_icon.svg.png This Pierre Bernard person article is a wiki person 'stub'. If you like exploring wiki people articles, researching and verifying their biographies, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)
Additional categories