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Bérardier: Difference between revisions

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<big><big><big>PROXIMA CENTAURI IS ABUSING HER POWERS! STOP HER</big></big></big>
| wiki_logo              = [[Image:Www-berardier-org.gif|150px]]
| wiki_URL              = http://www.berardier.org
| wiki_recentchanges_URL = Yes
| wiki_wikinode_URL      = No
| wiki_status            = Active
| wiki_language          = French
| wiki_editmode          = LoginToEdit
| wiki_engine            = DokuWiki
| wiki_maintopic        = Literature
== Description ==
Bérardier.org is a wiki-based website that provides an on-line commented edition of an 18th-century manual on how to tell good stories, François-Joseph Bérardier de Bataut's ''Essai sur le récit'' first published in 1776. The website runs on Dokuwiki. The project is coordinated by [http://www.christof-schoech.de Christof Schöch].

This will continue until she is removed from this project
| wiki_statistics_URL = No
| wiki_pages = 780

Revision as of 09:28, 24 August 2009


This will continue until she is removed from this project