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Template:Newest additions: Difference between revisions

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(Added GameOntology)
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Very cheap drugs :
|Border= 1px solid #a48bbf
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<a href="http://firstdrugstorezone.info/product_aciphex.htm">aciphex</a>  
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| Heading = Welcome, recent [[WikiIndex:Visitors|visitors]]!
| NewsLeft =
: ''[[:Category:Active contributors to this wiki|Join us]] in making [[WikiIndex]] better and better! <small>(<span class="plainlinks">[http://www.wikiindex.org/index.php?title=Template:Recent_visitors&action=edit add yourself])</span></small> <br />
19-Apr-2007: [[GameOntologyProject]] - ''Building knowledge about games'' <br />
18-Apr-2007: [[RTAWReefpedia]] - ''information resource for reef keepers'' <br />
11-Apr-2007: [[HPSDWiki]] - ''High Performance Systems Division at [http://www.llnl.gov LLNL]''
5-Apr-2007: [[LyricWiki]] - ''Lyrics to over 200,000 songs, vibrant community of 3000+ editors''<br/>
4-Apr-2007: [[Wikibase]] - ''Free city guide project''<br>
30-Mar-2007: [[GovITwiki]] - ''(Government IT wiki), government information technology and computing''<br>
29-Mar-2007: [[NY Canals]] - ''featuring the New York's Erie and other Canal Systems<br>
28-Mar-2007: [[wiki.windowsntserver.de]] - A Wiki featuring Howto's on Linux-based Devices & more''<br>
28-Mar-2007: [[WikiJET]] - ''for participants of Japan's JET Programme''<br>
27-Mar-2007: [[Slovakia]] - ''about Slovakia''<br>
25-Mar-2007: [[Catholic Wiki Project]] - "all about the Roman Catholic faith''<br>
24-Mar-2007: [[WikiPops]] - ''aims to become the best open source booknotes site"<br>
23-Mar-2007: [[Wikivorce]] - ''guide to divorce in England and Wales'' <br/>
| NewsRight =
19-Mar-2007: [[WikiCODOPN]] - ''to develop a regional model of the proposed (H.R. 808) U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence''<br/>
19-Mar-2007: [[LAVA LabVIEW Wiki]] - ''The worlds first LabVIEW Wiki''<br/>
17-Mar-2007: [[Unitarian-Universalist Encyclopedia]] <br/>
14-Mar-2007: [[Hike_database|Hike Database]] - ''Help create a free, world-wide hiking and backpacking guide''<br/>
6-Mar-2007: [[AdvocacyWiki]] - ''Resources for indedpendent advocates across the UK''<br />
6-Mar-2007: [[Haiti Contact Wiki]] - ''trying to enable easier contact between independent NGO workers in Haiti<br>
22-Feb-2007: [[Wikibon]] - ''Sharing best practice in IT and business systems''<br/>
18-Feb-2007: [[WorkingClassStudents]] - ''for students with working-class background (in german)''<br/>
10-Feb-2007: [[WebsiteWiki]] - ''containing more than 200.000 articles about popular German Websites (in german)''<br/>
7-Feb-2007: [[Sac Wiki]] - ''focusing on all things related to Sacramento, California''<br/>

Revision as of 08:13, 20 April 2007