Karl May Indonesia Wiki: Difference between revisions

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{{Wiki <!--see 'Template:Wikia boilerplate' for full detail and hidden help advice-->
|logo             = [[Image:KarlMayIndonesiaWikiLogo.png]]
|name            = <s>Karl May Wiki</s>
|URL               = http://id.karlmay.wikia.com/wiki/Halaman_Utama
|URL              = https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/Halaman_Utama
|recentchanges URL = http://id.karlmay.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Recentchanges
|logo             = [[File:KarlMayIndonesiaWikiLogo.png|Karl May Indonesia Wiki logo|alt=]]
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|recentchanges URL= https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/Istimewa:Perubahan_terbaru?hidebots=0&limit=150&days=900
|language         = Indonesian
|wikinode URL    = No <!--https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/WikiNode, if none, use 'No'-->
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|about URL       = No <!--https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/MAIN_PAGE:About, if none, use 'No'-->
|engine           = Wikia
|mobile URL       = https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/Halaman_Utama?title=Halaman_Utama&mobileaction=toggle_view_mobile
|maintopic         = Karl May World
|founder          = unknown<!--wiki founder(s) name(s); wikilink or external URL, otherwise plain text; if unknown, use 'unknown'-->
|status           = Dormant
|language         = Indonesian
An encyclopedia about Karl May world in Indonesian Language. Karl May is a 19th century German author, famous in non-English speaking countries with more works more that 80 titles. This wiki is still in infancy stage, but will grow up big.
|editmode         = OpenEdit<!--OpenEdit for Wikia with 'Require contributors to log in' disabled; otherwise it's now LoginToEdit-->
|engine           = Wikia<!--heavily customised unique MediaWiki version (not available outside Wikia); so use Wikia here-->
|pages = 86 <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages here - no thousands separators.-->
|maintopic       = Writers<!--only ONE main, primary topic; other sub-topics added as tags within description prose below-->
|statistics_URL = http://id.karlmay.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Statistics?action=raw <!--Preferred, source of page count (mostly a statistics page). If unknown leave void.-->
|license          = Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike<!--NO version number, MOST Wikia wikis use CC-BY-SA; amend this for those which differ-->
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|backupurl        = https://S3.AmazonAWS.com/wikia_xml_dumps/i/id/idkarlmay_pages_full.xml.7z
| wikiFactor URL = <!--Optional, source of wiki factor. If unknown leave void.-->
|backupdate      = 2017-04-09<!--YYYY-MM-DD, ISO 8601 extended date of database dump backup URL; no timestamp-->
}}{{Wikia-stub}}<!--use stub template if lacking adequate description, or needing update; remove stub if detailed prose included and up to date-->
{{Size <!--see 'Template:Size' for extensive full detail and hidden help advice on page count and wikiFactor-->
|pages= 90<!--plain numeric value for number of CONTENT pages (or Files on a media commons wiki); NO thousands separators-->
|statistics URL= https://KarlMay.Fandom.com/id/wiki/Istimewa:Statistik<!--page count source-->
|wikiFactor= <!--(wF), preferred; see: Category:wikiFactor; if wF unknown leave void; archived wF value may be used-->
|wikiFactor URL= http://Id.KarlMay.Wikia.com/wiki/Special:PopularPages<!--preferred; originally 'PopularPages', latterly 'MostVisitedPages'; use archive URL if available-->
}}(Page count as of: 20YY-MM-DD<br>wikiFactor as of: 2012-MM-DD)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; manually add/amend ISO 8601 date when stats are verified and/or updated-->
An encyclopedia about Karl May world in Indonesian Language.  Karl May is a 19th century German {{tag|author}}, famous in non-English speaking countries with more works more that 80 titles.  This wiki is still in infancy stage, but will grow up big.

Revision as of 23:44, 1 July 2022

Karl May Wiki
Recent changes • [No WikiNode] • [No About] • Mobile URL
Founded by: unknown
Status: Dormant
Language: Indonesian
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike"Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Writers
Backups: 2017-04-09
This Karl May Indonesia Wiki article is a Wikia 'stub'. If you like exploring Wikia (Fandom) hosted wikis, or articles about other Wikia subjects, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)
Wiki size: 90 article pages see stats

(Page count as of: 20YY-MM-DD
wikiFactor as of: 2012-MM-DD)

An encyclopedia about Karl May world in Indonesian Language. Karl May is a 19th century German author, famous in non-English speaking countries with more works more that 80 titles. This wiki is still in infancy stage, but will grow up big.