A3 mmorpg Wiki

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Revision as of 07:28, 22 June 2012 by Elassint (talk | contribs)
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http://images.wikia.com/a3mmorpg/images/b/bc/Wiki.png A3 mmorpg Wiki
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Founded by:
Status: Dormant
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: MMORPG
Wiki size: 92 article pages see stats

(As of: 5 April 2012)


This is a Wiki about the A3 MMORPG game, mainly focusing on GM information and server management, in an attempt to keep this game alive and help those who like this game.

The information contained here is provided AS IS and for educational purposes only.

99.99% of what you read in this wiki is a copy/paste from forums and other web sources in an attempt to centralize the information about this game.
