This is a generic boilerplate template for wiki article entries, suitable for most wiki engines, including MediaWiki. For Wikia-specific wikis, see: template:Wikia boilerplate (currently only available in English).
|name = <!--use if wiki name is different from article name, otherwise, delete this field-->
|URL = YourWikiHttp <!--start with http:// - eg:, if unknown, 'UnknownWikiURL'-->
|logo = [[Image:NoLogo.png]]
|wide logo = <!--insert 'y' when the logo is too wide AND/OR the title is too long-->
|recentchanges URL = No <!-->
|wikinode URL = No <!-- - If none, use 'No'-->
|about URL = No <!-- - If none, use 'No'-->
|status = YourWikiStatus <!--'Active' is appropriate for most sites, see Category:Wiki Status for more info-->
|language = YourWikiLanguage <!--eg: English, Multilingual, Japanese etc-->
|editmode = YourWikiEditMode <!--'OpenEdit' if users can edit without logging in, LoginToEdit if not, see Category:Wiki Edit Mode-->
|engine = YourWikiEngine <!--the software which the wiki runs on, eg: MediaWiki, see Category:Wiki Engine-->
|license = YourWiki'sLicense <!--preferred, see Category:Wiki License, if NO license, 'NoLicense'-->
|maintopic = YourWikiTopic <!--the main, primary topic. Other sub-topics can be added as tags within the prose below-->
|backupurl = <!--backup file URL, found at '/Special:Statistics' on Wikia sites-->
|backupdate = 2012-MM-DD <!--ISO date of backup URL, if unknown, type 'unknown date'-->
|pages = <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages - NO thousands separators.-->
|statistics URL = No <!--Page count source (often a 'Statistics' page). If unknown type 'No'.-->
|wikiFactor = <!--Preferred. If unknown leave void. See: Category:wikiFactor.-->
|wikiFactor URL = <!--Source of wF (often 'PopularPages' or 'MostVisitedPages') - see Template:Size. If unknown leave void.-->
}}(As of: DD Month 2012)<!--manually add/amend date when stats are verified and/or updated-->
<!-- remove this comment (between <!-- and -->) after:
type description of your wiki here, and 'tag' specific notable words to include them into categories as follows {{tag|notable subject}}
(This tag construction is used when you want a word in the text to link to the category of that same name.)
If a taggable category name does not appear in the prose text, use and amend the '[[Category:FirstAdditional]]' etc at the BOTTOM of
the page to manually add categories. It would also be helpful to add the year of founding, like so...
- All wiki language boilerplate versions available for template:Wiki