Angela Beesley Starling

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Angela 2006.jpg
Angela in 2006
Angela Beesley Starling
Gender: Female
Other names: nee Angela Beesley, WikiAngela
Nationality: British
Language(s): English
Residence: Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Home wiki(s): formerly:
Editing status: retired
Pers. website:
Contact(s): Twitter, beesley{[at]} This Angela Beesley Starling person article is a wiki person 'stub'. If you like exploring wiki people articles, researching and verifying their biographies, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)
This Angela Beesley Starling article is a Fandom 'stub'. If you like exploring Fandom (Wikia) hosted wikis, or articles about other Wikia subjects, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)

Angela Beesley Starling (nee Angela Beesley) is the British co-founder (along with American Jimmy 'Jimbo' Wales) and former Vice-President (VP) of Wikia, Inc. – now a very large and successful commercial wiki farm, originally called Wikicities, and now known as Fandom.[1] Before leaving Wikia in 2012 to persue another career, Angela was usually found here.

Angela Starling (now known as) moved to New South Wales, Australia, with her husband Tim Starling in 2005; and as of late November 2017, is the mother of three daughters. Angela now no longer has any regular wiki activity.

  1. Fandom | About Us;; Wikia, Inc.; accessed 25 October 2021.

Wikia staff team – current and former (view / edit)

The following wiki people are current or former members of the Wikia staff team, and selected members of their leadership. These are dedicated folks who have either founded and / or owned the original Wikicities wiki farm in 2004; became part of the subsequent rebrand into Wikia in 2006, including its management board and senior leaders; to the current Fandom rebranding in 2016. It may also include senior members from Wikia, Inc.'s subsequent acquisitions of, D&D Beyond, Cortex RPG, Muthead, Futhead, Fanatical, and Fandomatic.

Current staff [1][2]
Former staff [1]
  1. 1.0 1.1 Fandom – About Us;; Wikia, Inc. / Fandom, Inc.; accessed 25 October 2021.
  2. Fandom – Community Central: Staff;; Fandom Community Central; accessed 28 February 2020.