Enterprise Wikimania

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Enterprise Wikimania
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Status: Private
Language: English
Edit mode: ByInvitation
Wiki engine: Socialtext
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: Wiki
For the individual wikis detailing the annual international conferences of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), see: category:Wikimania.
Wiki size: 23 article pages [No see stats]

(Page count as of: 2017-MM-DD)

Enterprise Wikimania is a private wiki hosted on the Socialtext.net wiki farm that offers pointers for people interested in enterprise wikis. Originally spawned from a panel at Wikimania 2006, Enterprise Wikimania was initially an open wiki, with open editing, to discuss (amongst other subjects) Enterprise 2.0, 'social software', readers for said social software, as well as how to incentivise enterprise wikis, and the implications of wikis on conventional IT backup systems. Unfortunately, the wiki became heavily spammed, and as a result, editing privileges were substantially tightened – to ultimately invitation only, and all wiki content was also hidden by making it private.[1]