Asian Canadian Wiki

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Asian Canadian Wiki
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Active
Language: Multilingual
Edit mode: ConfirmEmail
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: People
Wiki size: 328 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 25 info / verify

(As of: 2023-06-13)

Asian Canadian Wiki, also known as ACwiki or ACWiki, is a website dedicated to disseminating Asian Canadian community, and is a database of all things Asian Canadian - from artists, scientists, leaders, to cultural centres, community organisations and festivals.

The intent of this site was to gather like-minded Asian Canadians from arts and cultural communities to participate in a Asian Heritage Symposium in Montreal in 2010. As one of many involved and as part of this ACwiki, we all had, have incredibly extraordinary mothers who hae raised, guided, taught, worked, laughed, cried and brought us with our fathers and family, to this world. Within the interests, objectives and goals before the symposium, Asian Heritage Month activities, and many other Asian Canadian initiatives, and organizations, self-representation was, is, and continues to be a key pertinent component of the Asian Canadian Wiki (ACWiki).

In 2010, there was no unified single database, contact organization or centralized location to connect with the various artists and organizations for the Symposium. A resource was needed to locate, inform and assemble Asian artists, organizations, centres from across Canada. Locating Asian Canadian artists, arts organizations, communities and centres was a challenging process. We realized that connecting these communities required more research and development. At that time there was no unified single database, contact, organization or central location to connect with the various individuals and organizations for the symposium. The Symposium first began as a need to contact and inform arts, cultural and community based organizations and individuals across Canada. Essentially, resources, contacts, organizations etc., were gathered within our networking circle.

The was soon created by compiling renowned artists, established artist organizations, and re-usable third-party information into a online resource. Spearheaded by Festival Accès Asie, the site was created by a small team of dedicated volunteers to realize objectives for the National Asian Heritage Month Symposium.

With funding from Canada Council for the Arts and interested support in 2012, was 'kickstarted' with design elements and substantial and credible content. Asian Canadian Wiki (ACWiki) aims to develop and provide access for all to connect, learn, discover, share and exchange. Asian Canadian Wiki is the most comprehensive resource available that informs and connects all those who are interested about Asian Canadians. Our hope is that the site will have the necessary visibility and participation to foster connection, culture and community.

 — Asian Canadian Wiki,


On its homepage, it has an interactive photo montage gallery of all wiki subjects, and when hovering your cursor / mouse pointer over a specific photo, a side pop-up appears with the subject matter detail of said photo.

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